Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lani's 28th Birthday!

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What an enjoyable birthday I had. It all began the night before. Steve took me out to dinner and a movie since my birthday fell on a Sunday this year. My mom babysat our children and we went to Stockman's for dinner. You know we live in Rural America when you spend $70 at a place that looks... well, you can use the map below to navigate and see for yourself.

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Despite the the less than fancy curb appeal, our KING CRAB LEGS rocked! We had a good time together and we saw the movie "Blind Side" and it was really good. T
he next day was my birthday, and I had a wonderful day. From the Baked Apple French Toast with Caramel Sauce (a recipe from my Lion House Cookbook) for breakfast and lunch, to being sung to in Primary Sharing Time (thanks to Lily for reminding the Primary Presidency of my birthday), to the wonderful Fondue dinner and Paula Deen's' Toffee Gooey Butter Cake (deep gratitude to my hubby, Steve, for slaving over the stove and oven for a few hours. Truly a labor of love), to having Mom and Tom join us for dinner, and the countless phone messages and facebook messages from family and friends wishing me a happy birthday- let's just say I feel so loved and blessed! Then, Steve comes home from school on Monday with a surprise- a beautiful fragrant rose and daisy bouquet and Merci chocolates (the only way to spend your calories when you have chocolate cravings). Ah. I'm happy.

Twenty-eight feels nothing like the ancientness I once perceived it as when I was a youngster. It's interesting to ponder that only 28 years ago I was in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and no matter what my age here on earth, earth life is only a blink compared with eternity. So, whether I'm 28 or 98, I hope I remember that my journey takes me to my ultimate destination- so I better make it a good journey in the right direction and get out of those ruts that come in life because no one ever reached a mountain peak by merely gazing at it or by turning around when the climb got steep. And seriously, we get enough natural obstacles in life, it's silly to turn our age into another one. So, 28, I welcome you, and 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, 98 +, I look forward to seeing you in the future.


Doralee said...

I was just going to say how young you are. I've already passed 38, a couple of years ago. Happy Birthday Lani. You and your family are just so so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey Happy Birthday Lani and holy cow I love your house!!!!!! So cutely put together!

LyndiLou said...

Happy (late) Birthday, Lani! :D It sounds like you had a lot of fun, and what a great perspective and testimony you have! :)

On another note, were you at the Borders in Riverwoods the other day?!? I SWEAR I saw you... or at least your Mom... if I remember your Mom from the time or two I ever saw her! :) Just wondering! :)

Bobbie said...

This is such a beautiful blog~ I can't say enuff of your precious eternal perspective. I love YOU! Thanks again for taking the time to celebrate life in your blog! My son, Stephen really showed his stuff when he celebrated your birthday!! I am so proud of him for making my daughter so happy not only for her birthday but gave her this beautiful house and and and... I love how he makes u laff at times! :)