Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

We spent the night with Steve's parents, so we had Christmas morning with them.  Santa brought both Lily and Amara what they asked for.  Lily wanted a scooter and Amara wanted a "play toy."

Amara with her "play toy," a puppy with vet kit.

Steve examining the puppy's ear for an ear infection.

Fun scooter!

 Amara got a kitty that walks and supposedly meows, but it sounds more like a bark to me.  Lily got some pretty clip on earrings that she just loves.

Christmas Eve Parties 2011

Christmas Eve for our family was a day of parties.  We started off the day with Steve's family's party.  We had a program complete with talents, singing, and a nativity play.  Our family represented the people in America when Christ came and we sang the primary song, "Said Samuel within five years, a night will be as day, and baby Jesus will be born in a land far far away, Hosanna, hosanna!  Oh let us gladly sing, how blessed that our Lord was born, let earth receive her king!"  Bev provided our costumes for us and we looked pretty authentic, I must say.

We had a fun time and the sister missionaries even joined us.  I got to sing a musical number with the missionaries that Bev wrote and it was truly beautiful.  One of the sisters brought her ukelele and they sang a medley of Christmas songs.  Then they joined us for "Cambodian Haystacks."  In case you're one of the few who don't know what that is, it's Hawaiian haystacks, with a different name.  We missed Steve's brother, Matt, this year because he is in Cambodia on business, but he wasn't forgotten, and thus the name Cambodian haystacks. 

When lunch was done, we played games.  The white elephant game was fun as always, and then we played "the Cold Wind Blows."  When it was approaching late afternoon, we brought out the skit, Santa's Elves.  Because I was directing it, I didn't get any pictures, but after the skit was done, other people wanted a turn playing Santa's Elves, and I got video and some pictures of that.  Each elf is actually made up of 2 people, one hidden behind the other.  The hidden one is the arms of elf.  I had them get ready for the day: eat breakfast, exercise, and whatnot. 

After we cleaned up, we headed to my dad's house for Christmas dinner.  I wish I had a few more pictures of the dinner because it was truly a feast and an enormous labor of love.
 Here is a photo of the first course, Tom Ka Gai Soup and Dad's Christmas Jello Salad.  We also had stuffed mushrooms, homemade rolls, prime rib, twice baked potatoes, and steamed vegetables.  I hope I didn't forget anything.  Everything was delicious.  And for dessert, my dad's warm pear pie served atop creme anglaise.  So fancy, so yummy!
We're happy and full.
Then, grandkids all opened a Christmas Eve gift from Grandma and Grandpa Lauret.  They all got cute new pajamas.  They all got dressed in their P.J.s and then it was time for the nativity with all the cute grandbabies.
 Steve was the donkey, Amara was Mary, Maxwell (in Mandy's arms) was Joseph.

 Jaxon wanted to be baby Jesus. 

 Lily was the angel.

 Devon was the shepherd.
 And Emmy (she ran off before I got the picture) was all 3 wisemen in one.
What a fun family-filled day!

Steve Money Bombing

Although the sum was incredibly meager, Ron Paul's money bomb grew a little heavier with our donation. 

And what was Steve's reaction to seeing his name pop up on the screen?  See for yourself.
I like how alike the smiles look on Steve's face and Ron Paul's face on the screen.