Thursday, April 23, 2015

Baseball Dreams

     Our youngest daughter Amara is learning how to play softball.  She's in the beginning league which allows for as many pitches as necessary to hit the ball, everyone stays on base, and everyone gets to run home.  They'll learn about the rules later.  Right now they have their hands full developing the motor skills required to hit the ball, not get hit by the ball, and catch.  However,  whether just starting out or playing pro, determination and a sense of fun is what gets the job done.

The Cat in the Hat who can read with his eyes shut tight has got nothing on Amara.  Here she connects with the ball, and gets on base.  She's hit the ball from the coach's pitch every time.  No need for the T yet.

Amara is as happy as a pup with two tails running the bases, and boy is she fast.  The helmets are a little large, the kids' heads often mimicking a marble bouncing around in a jar, but Amara's solution charmingly works.

She is laser focused.  At this early stage in the season anything within a couple arm lengths is what the children go for, letting the other balls roll by and sit there until a parent's call finally convinces their child to "Go get the ball!"  They'll learn to expand their sphere of activity on the field as the season progresses.

     Amara has a knack for sports and physical movement.  She is enjoying softball, and we're so proud of her for wanting to participate in these team sports. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Male Bonding

Steve bonding with 6 month old nephew Tommy

Thursday, April 2, 2015

My Relief Society Calling

Phrases from the Relief Society theme decorated the walls and centerpieces.
 Last December, I was called to be the secretary for the Relief Society presidency in our ward.  I've been hard at work ever since with meetings, visits, phone calls, and lots of productive pondering.  The sisters in the presidency are wonderful to work with and I really enjoy getting to know them and see their talents at work.

The table runners were gift wrap.
Last month we celebrated the birthday of the Relief Society.  We decided to throw a "Wok-n-Tok" celebration, a getting-to-know-you activity with a Chinese theme, complete with Bro. and Sis. Funk's amazing sweet-n-sour chicken (better than any restaurant). 

I helped set up and got to enjoy the event and even got to know sisters that I've never officially met in this ward, even though I've lived here 5 years!  Take a look at the decor. 

The entrance
They did a great job!  Several things were ordered from Oriental Trading, others were from the Dollar Tree.   I'm really looking forward to the next activity.  I've always loved attending the additional Relief Society meetings and feeling the kinship of the sisters in the ward while doing things together.  And I'm always a HUGE FAN of dinner events!  Mom came to my ward's celebration, and I went to hers ;) 

Ahhh... Sweet Sisterhood!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

St Patricks Day

For St. Patrick's Day this year, we had a lot of fun.  We attended the St. Patty's Homeschool Party at Constitution park where we had lots of green treats, facepainting (Lily and Amara painted my hands and I painted their face), and a cute leprechaun painting craft.  
She wanted a daisy.  I thought, "easy."  Uh, face painting is not my forte.

This is supposed to be a leprechaun, but it looks more like an orange octopus with a pilgrim hat.

It was windy, yet warm.  They used plastic forks to paint the orange hair on their leprechauns.  It made for a cool texture.

Earlier that day, we planted our cold weather crops in our garden for good luck!  You can read all about it on our Wild West Gardener's blog, just click here.
St Patricks Lucky Planting

And later that evening, we had a very traditional St. Patrick's Day meal- Corned Beef and Cabbage Artichokes.  The grocery store never got their shipment of cabbage, so it was good ol' artichokes for us!

Growing up, we always had the one pot meal of corned beef, boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, and boiled cabbage with lots of butter and salt and pepper.  My dad always made it for us because it was his family's tradition growing up.  I called my grandpa Lauret a couple months ago and he told me that he always made corned beef and cabbage in one pot because that is how his dad did it when he was growing up.  So, I can trace this tradition back at least 4 generations.  I always thought it was carried on through my English-Irish ancestry, but my great-grandfather Lauret was not Irish, he was 100% French, and a really good cook that owned his own bar/restaurant in California.  Ha!  I'm wondering if he picked up the method from his culinary endeavors in America or if his French family also enjoyed a one pot corned beef and cabbage.  Perhaps the tradition goes back further... or maybe we were wrong all along and it's a french dish?  Hmmm... 

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