Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I was convinced by Elinn (Steve's sister) and Mandy (My sister-in-law) to read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I purchased the book and read it together with Steve. I'd have to agree with Steve that the book can get really ooey-gooey when describing the undying beauty of the vampires (Edward especially). But, that didn't stop me from wanting to read on with the following books (It stopped him, but he went and read a synopsis online for the rest of the books so he knows what happens). I read the 2nd book (New Moon) this past weekend. I haven't read a book by myself that quickly since Harry Potter 1-3. I've got to admit that I'm going through withdrawals while the library is currently out of their 5 copies of the 3rd book (Eclipse). I can't wait to see the movie, but even more, I can't wait to read the rest of the books. Steve tells me that there's a rumor that Stephenie Meyer is writing a sister series of Twilight but with Edward as the narrator. I hope that's true!

Wishing and Hoping,


  1. Yea! I am so happy that you finally read Twilight! Though it is true that it is kind of mushy in places, it is still really good! And it is true that Stephenie Meyer is re-writing Twilight from Edward's perspective. You can read the first chapter on her website- www.stepheniemeyer.com. But beware... once you read that first chapter you will be dying to read the rest and I don't think there is even an official release date yet. (Though hopefully she will have more time to work on it now with Breaking Dawn out of the way.)I am so excited for this book because we will get to know what other characters are thinking through Edward's "gift". So exciting!

  2. hmm... I am so thinking if I want to jump on this band wagon that sounds so good! I would feel guilty because I hadn't read the Book of Mormon once yet (oops big time) and I would finish this one? I need to get out of this condemnation and into the Twilight zoneeee. "Twilight here I come!"
