Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pinewood Derby!

Here's a picture of Lily with the winner of the pinewood derby, Lani Christensen.  Actually, my car didn't win the derby, it won the "most unusual award," an accomplishment I'm thrilled to have acheived.  The box of Capri Sun was my prize.  Yay!

This past Friday, the Elders Quorum held a pinewood derby.  Everyone was invited to participate.  Steve and I both made cars to race, and we had a blast.  Steve's car was carved in 20 minutes (or less), approximately 2 hours before the derby started using his survival knife, then he had Lily and Amara use markers to color it.  I had hacked at my car with some useless excuse for a knife until it had some curve to it and so many imperfections that my design options were grossly limited.  I used finger paint and markers to take my rustic wood carving to it's roots, the woods.  See for yourself...

When I asked Lily what I should name my car she simply stated, "Probably you'll name it Tree Hope."  

We had a good turn out at the pinewood derby.  It lasted a couple of hours and there was an all-you-can-eat dessert and pop bar.  We consumed enough sugar to last us to the end of the month.  Then they had so many treats left over they begged us to take some home.  Those treats didn't last 24 hours in our home.  

Take a look at the video below to see Steve's car take the win (1st heat).  Although my car stayed in the derby longer than Steve's, a final race between the two of our cars at the end of the derby determined that his was the faster car of the two.


  1. That's awesome! I love pine wood derby! And your car looks like a tree hope. I agree with Lily on the name.

  2. After reading about ability of trees and tree hope, I hope you're not raising a little environmentalist? Ha, ha!
