Monday, February 21, 2011

Lily's 100th Day of School

Lily came home from her 100th school day with this cute booklet that she made.  To read her responses, you may need to turn your head sideways.  It's cute.  And, she also had to turn in a project.  Scroll down to see what she did.
I can eat 100 pizzas.

I could never eat 100 dog hair.

I wish I had 100 pupys.

I wouldn't want 100 tigers.

If I had 100 dollars, I would buy 100 cats.

What I will look like when I am 100.  (Click the picture to see it bigger.)
 To celebrate the 100th day of school, Lily was assigned to make anything she wanted using 100 of something.  Fun, right?  So, I asked her, "Do you want to use 100 chocolate chips and make a cookie?  Or how about 100 beads and make a design on paper?"  She replied, "Hmmmm... I know!  I want to make 100 shadow puppets!"  Okay.  And how do we turn that in?  We photograph each shadow, of course!  So, while Amara was napping, we got out a lamp and the camera and took them into my closet and away she went, making shadows.  When we were done, we simply downloaded the picutres and let smilebox compile them into a slideshow.  Well, that slideshow ended up being almost 6 minutes long.  I didn't like the pressure that placed on the teacher to adapt her whole schedule to have the class watch shadow puppets, so the next day I ended up putting the photos into a collage instead.  I sent Lily to school with both, but the collage worked out better because the projects were for a wall display in the hall.  I'm glad I thought to do the collage instead.  Cool idea, Lily!  No one else had 100 shadows as their project, but I did see a few cookies with 100 chocolate chips and a few papers with 100 beads for their designs :)!

Collage Page 1.  (I guess Page 2 didn't get saved properly.)

Collage Page 3, final page.
Here's the slideshow if you've got 6 minutes on your hands:

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  1. Wow, Lily, what a creative and fun idea! You are such an amazing girl and I wish we lived closer so that I could spend a lot more time with YOU!! Kisses, love Aunt Doralee

  2. Now that was fun watching it! I like a lot of those shadows, like your foot, your head, your 2 feet... it is all so cute and wayy creative! Greaaaaaat Show! luvin' u with a smile :)

  3. So cute and so creative!! Gotta love that little Lily!

    But I hope you like pets Lani! 100 dogs AND 100 cats? At least she doesn't want the 100 tigers... LOL
