Friday, February 17, 2012

Ringing in 2012 With Pinkies Up!

I know it's late and I'm way behind on blogging, but I didn't want to forget about our fun family New Year's Eve Tea Party!  For Christmas the girls got a gorgeous tea set and it only seemed proper to use it for a party.  My mom came over and joined us.  We brought in the new year early.  We had our herbal peppermint tea and a few other goodies, then we watched the fireworks from Sydney, Austrailia via YouTube.  The Austrailians definitely got the U.S. beat in celebratory fireworks for the new year.  We also danced to the music and toasted the new year.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh goshhh... this was sooo funnn!! Very creative, I must say! Having the girls play games with us made it more fun, too :)
