Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A New Set Of Wheels for Lily

Back on June 7,  I was reading through my emails and facebook news feed when I came across a posting from our local grocery store that they were giving away 2 bikes, one for a boy and one for a girl at 5pm.  So,  I planned a quick trip to the store around 4:45 so we'd be there and we could enter the contest.

As we got out of the car Lily said, "Mom, I have a really excited feeling inside.  I think I might win."  I told her in a less-than-sure voice, "We'll have to see."

We got there just as they were collecting the last entries.  I looked around and got a little excited too, because you had to be present to win, and the crowd was not very big, maybe 20 people, 15 of those being kids.  Then the giveaway began.  They gave away a boys bike first.  He gave a great WAHOO and ran to greet his new bike.  Then they called a girls name.  She wasn't there.  So they reached into the box again, and called out Lily's name!  I began to cheer and Lily sorta got a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face.  The small crowd dispersed pretty quickly and the store employee took a picture of Lily next to her new bike.  Lily didn't say a word, just stood by her bike, smiled for the picture, then walked back to my side, trying to hide a little.  I tried to get her to say thank you, which she whispered to the employee, still looking timid and unsure about what to do next.  I think she must've been nervous that they were going to make her ride it around because she doesn't know how to ride a 2-wheeler yet, and she's still quite apprehensive about it.  Luckily, I showed enough excitement for the both of us and we walked away from the store with a new bike for Lily.

Once we got in the car, Lily was excited again and wanted to surprise her dad.  I had told Steve that I was going to the store with the girls, but I never mentioned there would be a bike giveaway.  When Lily told him, Steve thought it was pretty cool that she won and wanted to see her try it out, to which Lily responded, "Gulp.  Uh-uh."  (Yes, she really audibly says "gulp.")  We talked her into giving it a try and she trusted her dad enough that he wouldn't let go of the seat as she rode around.  So, with helmet on and pads on her elbows and knees, she tried it and sweated with anxiety the whole time.

Steve gave her a few riding lessons the few days following, but those are really tiring in the summer heat for both of them.  So, its been awhile since she's been on her bike, but I think it's mostly because we've had a pretty busy summer thus far and she's a little nervous about falling off.  I know when she gets the hang of it, she won't want to get off!  Maybe next year I'll be posting Lily riding a 2-wheeler by herself...

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