Sunday, October 14, 2012

Our Fishy Tour

As a part of our summer, we tried to check off as many of the 101 things to do in the Uintah Basin, and one of those things was to visit the Whiterocks Fish Hatchery, about 15 minutes from our house.  That was a fun place.  We got our own private tour.  Here's some of the things we saw:

In that tube are little fish being hatched.  The eggs are teensy.
Then they move the little fishlings into a small tub where they feed them brine shrimp and they continue to grow.
As they grow, they get placed into larger pools.
And their final stop is in these large pools before they are shipped to the lakes and streams nearby.  On our tour, this was definitely a fun grand finale.  The nice ranger guy let us feed the fish.  They knew what was coming and they would go crazy for the fish food, splashing all around and jumping out of the water.  The video below shows them during the feeding frenzy.

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