Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ward Pioneer Picnic and Tom's Ice Cream Party

Our ward puts on an annual picnic and kid's parade each year to celebrate Pioneer Day.  This year, April and Devon were here visiting and they joined mom and our family for the event.  It was a lot of fun!  We had a potluck picnic with salads, sides, desserts, and BBQ beef sandwiches.  The weather was perfect and the wind cooperated just in time for the festivities.  Crafts for the kids followed after the picnic, then the parade.  Kids could decorate and bring their bikes or wagons to accompany them if they wanted to.  Lily wanted to be an ox and pull her toy wagon which she would decorate to look like a covered wagon.  She's the cutest ox I've ever seen.  She made little horns from paper and attached them to a hair band to wear around her head.  Amara cut out strips of paper and colored them with markers, then taped them all over her bike for homemade streamers.  The parade was cute and I have video in the slideshow I put together...  Steve and I also were asked to participate in a square dance, and although the idea was met with a little reluctance at first, we had fun getting to know the dance and our ward members (no video of that).

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After the fun night, we decided to take Tom out for his birthday dessert while April was still in town.  We went to Rocky's Place and everyone (except me who can't eat sugar) had yummy ice cream treats.  Devon was definitely tired was was temporarily pacified by bites of ice cream being sneaked his way.  Steve was re-living being a kid again as his cone disintegrated in his hand.  Lily and Amara shared a very loaded banana split sundae complete with fudge, nuts, marshmallow creme, and cherries.  Tom, April, and mom all had shakes with yummy mix-ins.  It was late, we were sticky, and we all had a good time.
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