Monday, April 15, 2013

Amara Lost her first TEETH!

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This past Saturday Amara lost her 2 bottom teeth.  They've been loose for months now, and the adult teeth had already come up behind the baby teeth, but she was always too nervous to pull them out.  Then this past weekend, we were driving to Steve's classroom when Amara announces in a half-unbelieving tone from the backseat, "I just lost my tooth."  I turned around excited, "Let's see it!"  She looked at me, a little shocked, and pointing to the floor she said, "It's on the ground."  She had felt something hard in her mouth and grabbed it and threw it on the floor.  Then she realized it was her tooth.  When we got to the school, we all wanted to see the hole the tooth had left, and that's when we saw the other tooth just hanging there.  That's when I got out my camera to film.

She was still apprehensive about getting her other tooth pulled out, but eventually she got up the courage and had me pull it out.  We're so happy for her to have such a big milestone!  She lost 2 teeth in one day!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is just about the most adorable video I've ever seen. I have the cutest nieces in the whole world. Love you guys!

  2. Ohdearheart!~ I truly enjoyed watching this~! How precious and so adorable! "Well, you pulled Lily's tooth. So you can pull mine." It's so funny to hear Lily say, "You tooth already came out of your mouth. It's just in your mouth." ahaha Family memories. Lovem! So hopefully she became rich!!!
