Sunday, June 2, 2013

Congrats Graduates!

 Micah, Jacob, and April (my siblings) all graduated from college this past April.  I was blessed and able to attend all 3 of their graduations.  Micah and April graduated from UVU on the same day and Jake graduated a week later from SUU.  I'm so proud of all the hard work that all of them did to earn their degrees while they still were taking care of families at home.  Way to go!
Micah and April brought their caps and gowns to Jake's graduation so we could get a pic w/ all 3 of them!
Micah and April at UVU graduation
Jake and his family at SUU graduation
April standing in line on her way to graduate
Micah and April with our parents

Mom and baby Brooklyn
Jake and Parker, like father, like son.

Max is thoroughly "enjoying" Micah's graduation ceremony.

Rexton was finding his own ways to escape the ceremonies.



Micah and his family

Finding ways to keep busy during the 2nd graduation

Devon is rearranging Spencer's face.
The happy family in Cedar City.

Don't be alarmed.  He's always like that.

All the siblings (minus Geoff and Joe- Missy was having a baby)

The 3 graduates under the warm Cedar City sun.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! This was such a AWESOME moments in time and you were there to capture them!! I am so happy you did! Lots of funey pics, too and I like that you had funey captions with it! lolol!
