Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lily's Baptism

On June 8, Lily was baptised by her dad and it was a very special day, especially for me as her mother.  As we sat down and the baptism program was starting, I was filled with the spirit, the best feeling in the world, and Heavenly Father conveyed to me through the Holy Ghost just how precious and LOVED Lily is.  He let me feel just a taste of the love He feels for Lily and it was overwhelmingly great- an AMAZING feeling- it was love unlike anything I've felt before in and of myself- it was the greatest love for Lily even more than I am capable of even though that seems impossible because my love for Lily runs so deep.  It is always difficult to share or find words that express such a strong and special experience as that one was for me.  Lily truly is a daughter of our Heavenly Father and He loves her!  And I KNOW it.  He loves her so very, very much, and she is special to Him and to me an our family :)

We got to the church and had a baptism program given by our primary presidency and Lily's primary teachers.  Then her dad baptised her.  After they got dried off and dressed again, Lily was confirmed.  We then had a picnic at the pavillion and it was beautiful (sorry my camera ran out of batteries, so no pics).

Lily's sprained foot allowed us more opportunity to hold and hug her on her special day.  Her foot wasn't the only little blip we dealt with that day.  We also forgot to bring towels for Lily and Steve, but luckily Bro. Womack was inspired and brought 2 extra towels with him so we didn't have to dry off with paper towels.

Family members from near and far came to support Lily on her baptism, as well as some ward members.  I thought the program was wonderful and it warmed my heart to have so many loving family members around.
 I'm so happy and proud of Lily.  It's a great blessing to be her mom.

 And as a side note, I'm thankful April cut Steve's hair for the baptism day.  Aren't you?
before April cut his hair


  1. I literally forgot that April cut Steve's hair~she did a mighty good job! It truly was a beautiful day because it was Lily who was being baptized!! I found myself feeling like I did with each of my children, that feeling of them leaving the 'garden of eden' but the best and most awesome gift was given by our Heavenly Father, so we have the most powerful help against that which can destroy us, the protection and guidance of the HOLY GHOST!! The biggest news? The Atonement will have the purifying, uplifting chance to work in her life. The Atonement that was made possible by our Savior. He knew Lily and had her in his mind as he died on the cross for her. He loves so dearly, too NO MATTER WHAT!!! :) :) It was a special day for me, too in being her gwamma who loves her :)

  2. OKAY! I have to post this side note... lookie at Devon in the pic that he is in, sitting down folding his arms with his sippy cup and cute cute cute pout! I love you, Devon!! ahaha
