Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Everyday Life (Some Photos from May 2013)

 Amara wanted to surprise me and Steve, so she made our bed and added more of her love by writing  4 homemade signs and carefully placed them on our bedspread.

I think this sign made me smile the biggest.

It's nice to be recognized.
We like to facetime with Aunty April often.  Below you will see that she is tackling a project with Devon of scraping the old paint off the shed in back of my dad's house.  She bought safety goggles for both her and Devon and some paint scrapers.  So cute.  I believe this project had to be abandoned before too long because it wasn't as easy as it looked.

Look in the corner an you'll see Amara making a funny face for April.

April showed me that she still has the binder I made her with her favorite recipes.  It looks so funny, I still crack up looking at it.

Devon fell asleep on April.  So cute.

Lily draws everyday sometimes for several hours at a time.  Below you'll see one of her very heart-felt letters to me.  She is so thoughtful.

sorry it's sideways.
Amara likes to garden and care for plants.  She found a bud of some weed growing outside and she picked it and planted it in one of my old planter cups that she filled with soil and kept it watered.  She put it in the windowsill and kept a cup nearby so she could water it each day and she even kept a book next to it, so she could read to it.  Not pictured is a sign she made and hung by her bed that has a checklist of things to do when she wakes up and it includes watering and reading to her plant.  Unfortunately, the bud never did anything but eventually dry up, but by that time, Amara had plenty of other distractions, that she didn't notice when it was just gone one day.

And lastly, a fortune I got at Pho Noodle House.  At the start of our journey to Cedar City for Jake's graduation, my mom, April and I had dinner there and I dare say that my fortune trumped any fortune I have ever received.  Behold...


  1. Your girls are so cute and thoughtful. Lily is such a good artist! She made me a cute drawing and card thanking me for staying at my house. You have some good girls there. :)

    PS- Send some gold pieces our way when your bushels arrive.

  2. I look at these pictures and somehow I am overwhelmed by the immense blessings that come with having a family! I have been reading blogs all day [yours, Lily April's and Mandy's]. That is so cute to see Devon and April wearing googles and working together. Precious! Seeing the gratitude manifests through your children's thoughtfulness fills me such untold joy and laughter! The signs on the bed is dang cute and oh soo thoughtful! Ha! She fixed your bed :) Take it while you can. I sure enjoyed when you guys fixed our bed. :) ahaha! Thank you for sharing your life with us!!

  3. PS.... I want to thank you in advance for the gold pieces that you would be dropping from the hole I would put in your bushels when they arrive!! You are so thoughtful ;)
