Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fancy Faces

Have you ever heard of watercolor pencils?  Tonight Steve and I had fun with some and painted the girls faces.




Steve painted Amara's is face. I painted Lily's face. We had so much fun and the girls couldn't wait to see their faces in the mirror.


At first it was complete shock! Then it was rolling laughter for us all!


I even got in on the fun and let Amara paint my face. Want to see the cute unicorn and butterfly?


The butterfly on my forehead has rubbed off a little so you can't see it very well but you can see the Unicorn. She used my beauty mark as an eye for the Unicorn! How creative! I knew there was a reason God blessed me with all those moles on my face.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh... I love the creativity just a bloomin' all over my screen!! Love that unicorn with beautiful eyes :) It is really quite beautiful. I think the girls should look like that when they get married. hehe
