Monday, March 17, 2014

U-Swirl Goodness


We went on a little vacation to American Fork. While there are family took a trip to the local U-swirl. U-swirl is great! They have several flavors of frozen yogurt, soft-served, that you can top with a treasure trove of delectable goodies.

Steve made his treat clean and simple, only topping his yogurt with those "water balloon thingies," as Amara calls them.


Both Amara and Lily got Reese's Peanut Butter cup frozen yogurt. Amara mixed her's with chocolate and put tons of different candies and cookies on top and finished it off with a squirt of whipped cream and a cherry on top. You can just see the joy in her eyes at her masterpiece of a treat.
Lily topped her's with chunks of Reese's peanut butter cups, and an Oreo, and whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. Lily ate her dessert  in true Lily fashion, that is to say, savoring every bite and taking her time. She took three times as long to finish her treat then everybody else. I remember even as a baby, Lily would take what seemed like forever to eat. When I would sit down to nurse her I knew I would be there 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Its really is just how Lily takes in the good things of life.



And while Lily finished eating, everyone just relaxed and watched the TV. I love this next shot of Amara with her dad. One of the perks of having cold frozen desserts is the snuggles that come afterwards.


And lastly, but not leastly, there was my dessert.  Although I can't have much in the way of sugar, artificial sweeteners, natural sweeteners, fat, and the like, I still was able to make my own little dessert of sliced strawberries and diced mango with a sprinkle of granola and a squirt of whipped cream. Oh yeah, and a few sprinkles just for looks. It was nice to have something sweet along with everyone else.


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