Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Wildlife Trip With the Christensen Grandparents

A super-selfie of all 6 of us in the van on our way to the refuge.
In April, Steve's parents came for the weekend.  They followed right after Missy and her family went home, like the day after.  They wanted to join us that weekend for Lily and Amara's musical number at Stake Conference.  Of course, we were excited to have them come, and we decided we would take a day trip to the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, 25 minutes away or so.  The weather looked ominous, so we weren't sure how long we would stay, but it turned out to be mostly wind and lots of threatening clouds.

It was still early spring, so there was not a lot of life in the plants, and not nearly as many birds as we saw when our family visited that place a couple years ago in the summer, but we still enjoyed being in nature with each other and making memories.  And we still saw some wild life.

You can hardly see it, but the bird in the center had bright yellow chest.

These birds chirped in a way that almost sounded tropical.

We saw ducks and geese.

I love how thoughtful Steve looks in these pictures at the dock by the edge of the Green River.

Like father, like son.
 The next picture is of Lily looking at the dried up foliage next to the dock.  The wind was blowing through her golden locks and the muted greys of the the sky and water really draw your attention to her natural honey-colored highlights.  I still can't believe that I had a blonde baby.  I truly didn't think that could even be a possibility, but was I so surprised!  And since Lily's birth, I even have siblings that have had children that have bright blonde hair, and get this, striking blue eyes.  Kinda cool, I think.   Alright, my tangent is over.  
Beautiful girl, inside and out!

Mama C. and I are normally the ones taking the pictures, so I thought it was our turn to get in a picture.

Our happy visitors :)

We went to an overlook, and it was WINDY there!  It was too much for me, so I stayed in the car and took pictures through the window.  If you ever go to this refuge, definitely go to this overlook.  It is one of the most stunning landscapes I have ever taken in, EVER.  You can truly feel the power behind God's creative work.  

Amara found some pretty wildflowers making their way up for the spring, just growing through the rocky, sandy soil.


One last look at the scenery, before everyone took refuge from the wind in the van.

There is also a fish hatchery at the wildlife refuge.  We went for a visit thinking they probably weren't open on a Saturday, but we took our chances and found out that they actually were open.  A worker came out and gave us a tour of the place where they hatch endangered fish to replenish the streams and lakes.  The room where all this happens is full of tall, grey "kiddie pools" full of fish swimming in circles.  It smells very fishy.  It's noisy because of all the water they have pumping in and out of those pools.  And it's quite educational.  And fun.

On our way out, we saw some more wildlife. 
Hey bunny!

Mr. Prairie Dog

Wild Horses

Big Ol' Owl
It was a good trip to the Wildlife Refuge.  I'm glad we got to share it with Steve's parents.  We went out to eat dinner at Pelican Cafe near Pelican Lake, a few minutes up the street.  There is a Pelican Cafe in Roosevelt, and this is a smaller version, and it's the original, so we thought we'd try it.  It wasn't exactly the same food or quality, although their menus were the same as the Roosevelt location.  Funny thing is, we went out to eat at Pelican Cafe again with Steve's parents while they were here, but we went to the one in Roosevelt, this time.  It's one of Steve's favorite places to eat where we live.

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