Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Catching Up: Our Easter Vacation

We went to visit family along the Wasatch Front for our Easter weekend, which also happened to be Steve's Spring Break.  As always, we had tons of fun visiting everyone and there was always a party to be had!

First though, we started off with this...

Lily got a black eye, which she posted a bit about on her blog under the title "Never play this game."  Basically, she and her sister were playing a game where Lily was closing her eyes and find Amara by listening to the sound of her voice.  Well, Amara didn't notice that Lily's face was headed right for the mirror on our van, and Lily walked (or ran?) right into it.  She must've hit pretty hard because she got a cut on her face and a black eye for a week or two after.  It sorta looked like she was wearing bluish-greenish eye shadow.  She was fine, though, and it didn't stop her from having fun!

Next thing we did, or maybe I should say Steve and his dad did, was take down the rotting deck.  Wish I had a good before picture, but I don't, sorry.  Here's the after, though.
They did it in half the time I thought they would, about an hour and a half.  Now that's being productive!  Or destructive!  One of the two.  Or both.  Whatever.

Also that weekend, we got to attend the 3rd birthday party of my dear cute nephew, Maxwell.  
He loves the movie Frozen, so that was the theme for the party, which was adorable.  
We all loved building our own snowmen out of marshmallows!

Maxwell's mom posted all about it on her blog, which you should check out for inspiration if you're ever doing a Frozen party or just want to be the coolest mom ever.

When Saturday came, it was time for the annual family Easter egg hunts!  We started out at the Laurets.
 Lotsa kids.  Lotsa eggs and prizes!
 Lotsa paparazzi.
 The kids enjoyed helping decorate their chocolate fudge eggs this year.  I love those eggs!
 These next two photos are actually before the egg hunt, while the kids were patiently waiting for their turn to have at it!
And Miss Maizie always making me smile!
I don't have photos of the adult kids going on our egg hunt, but I can say that we scored big time.  I believe Steve and I scored the most money at $22.00!  And we also got a Chick-Fil-A gift card!  I just love these family traditions!

Later that day, we met up with Laurel's family and went to the Christensen's house for their annual Easter egg hunt. 
 Besides eggs and candy, there were bright spring-colored dish cloths,
 Plants and flowers,
 And socks and hats to be found.
It was an all-girl event this year.

 And Hannah's hair even got in on the fun!

On Easter Sunday, we woke up to baskets of goodies from a very practical Easter bunny (do you see the toilet brush?)

 Lily and Amara got a few candy and chocolate as well as some cute stuffed animals, and ballet clothes, and hair bows.
 The peeps this year were vanilla with colored bits throughout.

Then we got dressed and went to church to really celebrate Easter and remember our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the hope that has come into the world because of His sacrifice and resurrection.

It was a good, FULL, fun Easter vacation for us.  We ended it with a drive back home.  Someone was exhausted!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about all your adventures.... especially the ones where you come visit us! :) I love the paparazzi Easter photo. And I am just constantly blown away by how big your girls are getting. Lily looks so grown up! How did that happen?!
