Sunday, July 6, 2014

Moments from May

It's no new story that I'm usually playing catch-up in my blogging efforts.  Today is no different.  Here are some moments from this past May.
This photo was taken at the beginning of May in front of the UBATC, the nearby tech college in Roosevelt where Lily was scheduled to take her SAGE test for 3rd grade.  There are lots of trees, and they were all in heavy bloom.  Each time the breeze would come through, the blooms would shower petals on the ground.  It was a beautiful sight to behold, and it smelled divine.  :)

 Tooth Loss

Lily's new hole

Shiny white tooth

Toothfairy note

Toothfairy let her keep the tooth.

 Flax in Bloom

Amara loves checking on the garden

Perhaps she is looking for cool bugs

 Block Buildings

Lily enjoys building.

Lily enjoys crashing too.

 Mother's Day

My mom made a delicious red Thai coconut curry and came over to our house for Mother's Day.  I made the Krab Stuffed Mushrooms and salad.

Lily and Amara set the table and made cards for me and my mom.  We had a wonderful meal with perfect place settings.

 New Clothes

April is pregnant and loves new clothes.  When I went to visit her, my mom sent me with some free clothes she  had received.  They were much too big for my mom, and the style and color were no help.  We both thought it would be funny to have April try them on.  We were pretty sure she would have a good laugh, then give them to D.I..  We were right.  I must say though, that she makes everything look good, even these oversized dresses.  She modeled them for me so I could show my mom the pictures. 

 Field Asparagus

Along the fence lines in the late Spring, we can usually find some wild asparagus growing.  We go on walks or bike rides, and if we spot some, we pick it.  It tastes delicious raw- kinda like a sweet pea- but the tips are a bit bitter.  Our favorite way to cook them is broiled, and the asparagus tips are my favorite when it's cooked.

 Party At The Villa

Here is Lily and Amara sitting next to Kelly, a resident at the Villa.  We volunteered to help at the Spring party there.  They got to help the residents decorate sugar cookie butterflies, then they made some for themselves.

 Magic Show

Al Lampkin, a magician, came to kick off our community's summer reading program.  He was so very good with the kids, and his magic tricks were fun, and he kept us all thoroughly entertained.

Our kids got to get a picture with him and a couple of his huge wands.

 Lily With The Camera

Lily's shadow selfie.  Cool picture.

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