Monday, August 4, 2014

Gutings On Ice! Guting Reunion Part 1 - June 2014

Back then: Guting Cousins with the Guting Grandparents behind.

Now: Guting Cousins with "Uncle Greg" and "Aunty Leo" in the back
This Guting reunion was a celebration of the life of my mom's cousin Aaron "Kian" Guting, but it wasn't originally planned that way.  Uncle Aaron had planned a reunion for his family in Las Vegas.  Sadly, he passed away suddenly from lung cancer just before this reunion.  Uncle Malcolm still had the agenda that Uncle Aaron created, and he invited all Gutings to join in the already scheduled events as a celebration of life for his brother.  I knew Uncle Aaron.  He and Uncle Malcolm and Uncle Jayme (all brothers) traveled from California and came to my wedding back in 2002.  He was fun-loving and spunky and easy to feel welcome around.  He was so funny, too!  I was so happy to celebrate his life and be a part of the Guting reunion.  I saw so many loved ones that I haven't seen in YEARS because we all live so far apart.  I also got to meet family that I've never met before.  It was a reunion I'll always cherish. 

Ice Skating With Uncle Malcolm

He is actually not my "Uncle."  He is my mom's cousin, but in Hawaii, it is common to refer to an older loved one as Uncle or Aunty, even if they are not related to you that way, and actually being related is not necessary at all.  

Uncle Malcolm skated in the opening ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He stayed with my family for rehearsals and such back then.  He is now 60 years old and he still gets out on the ice.  He is energetic and a great ice skater!  Take a look at him in the video below.
I didn't even know there was an ice rink in Las Vegas, but it was actually just a few minutes from Steve's sister's house, where we were staying.  We brought Kimmy, Bekah, and Isaac skating with us.  Amara used a walker thing for awhile while she got used to going around the rink.
Steve was Lily's "walker" until she gained a little confidence herself.  What a good daddy he is!

Remarkably, not one of us fell on the ice.  I've never been ice skating where someone didn't fall!  It must've been Uncle Malcolm's good karma. 
Left to Right: Me, Uncle Tex (aka the photobomber), and Uncle Malcolm
Uncle Malcolm gave us skating lessons.  And he got Amara to let go of that walker and skate!  She did awesome!

We had such a great time together!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! And I love that you tried to re-create that old picture. What a great idea!
