Sunday, September 7, 2014

Activity Days: Father-Daughter Picnic

The dads got to guess which one of these belonged to their daughter.  Lily's was the one written with purple marker that says that she would have a Golden Retriever for a pet.
Lily loves activity days.  I remember when she first started going when she was 8 years old.  She was nervous about going, and not sure she even wanted to do it.  It's funny to think that she felt so apprehensive about it, because now it is the highlight of her day when there is an activity.  I got called to be an activity days leader at the beginning of this year, so I am Lily's leader, along with 14 other 8 and 9 year olds.  The 10 and 11 year olds go with another set of leaders, however, for the father-daughter activity we combine and the other leaders take care of the entire activity.  I love that.  All I have to do is show up.  But don't worry, it's fair because my partner and I am in charge of the upcoming mother-daughter activity.

Mmmmm... homemade pies!
The father-daughter activity was a potluck picnic/BBQ with games, and it was held at Serenity park behind our church.  

The first game was for the daddies and daughters to make an outfit for one of them using only newspaper and duct tape and they had only 10 minutes.  Everyone had a ton of fun doing this.  

Steve made some long sleeves for Lily.
Then he taped and taped and taped until a "bodice" formed.
It turned out more like a long-sleeved Samarai poncho.  With a cape!
Then they lined everyone up and handed out awards.
Lily (and Steve) won the "most sporty" award.
Then I went to help run the balloon volleyball game, and I handed the camera to Amara and had her document the other games.  She caught a picture of Steve enjoying the judging.
The other game they played was where the dads had to pin a piece felt onto their chest and the girls got to throw velcro ping pong balls at their dads and try to get as many as possible on the felt.
I wish I could've seen that game in real life, but it appears from the picture that Amara took of Lily that she enjoyed it a lot.
I wonder how many balls she got on there?
Then Lily and Steve came to my station where we were playing water balloon volleyball.
Everyone got to play for about 5 minutes, then it was time to eat and go home.  We had a lot of fun.
I suppose you probably realize by now that my entire family got to be there.  Amara was my helper and Lily and her dad were together.  It was a great time.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun activity! I loved the game ideas... especially the ping pong one. So funny! I'm glad Lily loves going to activity days!
