Friday, December 26, 2014

Our October and Pumpkin Patch

October brought us many wonderful blessings! We harvested our garden, and made a bunch of homemade V-8.  

Stephen took more beautiful photos. These next two were taken at Montes creek near our home.

We had a beautifully successful garden this year, which I attribute to hard work with the girls, God's grace, and the fence that that we put up before we left on our vacations. There is one day when we went out and harvested pretty much all that was left. In the photo below, you can see our green tomatillos, our bright red tomatoes, a bunch of red potatoes, orange pumpkins, green zucchini, ripe cantaloupe, a cucumber, and even some leeks and parsnip.  We feel very blessed. 

On a gorgeous fall day, we went up Dry Creek Canyon near Vernal and decided to take some pictures.  The scenery was so pretty we decided to do a family photo session. These ended up being the girls' school pictures, and our updated family picture (the current picture behind my blog title). We didn't plan on doing these when we went there, but since we had a nice camera, and the scenery was nice, we just went with it.  Some of these were taken with my phone camera, and others with Steve's new camera. 

Another October event I was in charge of was an activity days mother-daughter activity. Using paper products, this is what I came up with for the place settings.  They turned out really cute.  The party was a big to-do and I was glad for all the help I got setting up and taking down. Our theme was daughters of our Heavenly King and we had crafts, and a photo booth, and a game of guess which treasure chest your daughter decorated. We had a yummy soup dinner with salad and garlic bread and dessert for 60 people. We were quite frugal and it still cost $200. 

October brings us beautiful sunsets. 

Over UEA, we had VISITORS!  Joe's family came and played. They helped harvest our green tomatoes. 
We visited the new park in Fort Duchesne.
We played at home.
And of course we visited the corn maze and pumpkin patch in Bluebell!

I dare say we had a good fun time and we slept well when we got home. 

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