Friday, December 26, 2014

Yard Project: Firepit!

Look!  We were not completely neglectful of our yard this past summer. We put in a fire pit, complete with benches, ALL BY OURSELVES!  Applause, please.
This really is a big deal for us. When it comes to a DIY project, it is very hard for me to get my hubby on board. This is a project that has been looming in my mind for the last year and a half or two years, but one that I could not accomplish on my own. Then one Saturday this summer, Steve and I were out side and I made the comment that I was sick of seeing that old dryer barrel rolling around our yard.  He was too. I told him, "Let's just get rid of it.  I was going to make it into a fire pit right here with benches around it like this near our barbecue grill.  But every weekend that seemed like a good weekend, you're not in the mood or I'm not in the mood. So, let's just get rid of it."

"Well let's just do it right now."  He said. I could hardly believe he was on board with my idea, and I was not about to pass up that opportunity. So, we got to work.  Because we were the ones working, Lily and Amara both took photos to document our progress.
First, we cleared away the weeds. Then we dug a hole, put some drain rocks down, dropped our obnoxious dryer barrel in, and filled in around it. Then we laid down the weed barrier that we have been given. My mom is a great salvager, and because of her, we had the weed barrier, and the cinderblocks, and the pavers, and the bench boards all waiting for us.
The rest of these pictures are all out of order, but they tell their own story well enough, so you'll have to bear with the chaotic organization of this post. I am blogging using my iPad, and moving pictures around is not an option, and I want to get this done quickly.  So, sorry, but enjoy!

I'm glad we finally got that project done. Our yard is a very slow work in progress. And now we are one step closer to finishing.  Happy dance!

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