Sunday, June 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Grandma Bobbie!

So, we actually celebrated my mom's birthday weeks and weeks ago, but I'm finally getting around to updating my blog a bit, and I didn't want to forego this fun occasion.  I got up early to make my mom a quintessential continental breakfast.  The girls and I took Steve to school that morning and we snuck over to my mom's house and surprised her with this birthday breakfast.  Tom had left for work already, and their front door happened to be unlocked (lucky us!), so we gathered the breakfast we had brought and quietly went into the house.  We could hear mom upstairs, so we tiptoed up the stairs and went into the hallway.  That's when we started singing "Happy Birthday."  Mom was in her closet choosing clothes for the day, when she popped her head out and saw us holding breakfast goodies.  She was so happy and surprised.  We all went downstairs to enjoy the food together.
 We had ham and cheese scones with honey mustard, orange and almond scones with orange honey butter, and blueberry muffins.
Uncle Geoff joined us for breakfast and it was so good to see him and enjoy his joyful personality, since we hardly ever see him anymore.  After we ate, mom had to get ready for work.  So, we left her and went home to do homeschool.

Later that evening, Amara had a softball game.  My mom got to join us for that because she got off work right on time.  Afterwards, we took her out to eat at China Star for her birthday.

 Amara said that she likes when Grandma comes to her games because she gives her some really good tips.
 This game, Amara got to play first base, and grandma was teaching her what to do while the other team was getting ready to bat.

I feel so blessed that we got to be able to spend time with my mom for her birthday!  She is very special to all of us!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday surprise! You are lucky that you get to be so close to your mom! I wish we got to see you all more often!
