Sunday, August 9, 2015

4th of July Christensen Reunion Togetherness

The sweet mountain air hugged us as we arrived at our rented log cabin nestled in the tall trees of Provo Canyon, near the Sundance resort.  Although warm from the summer heat, the abundance of kindred company surrounding us left hardly room to complain.  There were games to played, conversations to be had, and nature to explore!

 There were chips, cherries, and all manner of sugary delights to be devoured, amongst the daily feasts of mealtime vittles.
 Cousins rekindled familiar friendships.  Ping pong was the fodder, friendship was the flame.

 The Gull vehicle took prisoner of the very keys that held the power to ignite the beast to charge. Wielding a forged weapon, Sir Tron stabbed the beast with wild abandon!  Slash! He daggared it.
 Pinching, poking, and prying only set the beast's jaws tighter.  Sir Stephen, with his hand held device, youtubed a tutorial, and with the aid of a shoe lace, unlocked the jaws of the great beast, thus quietly concluding the battle, the vehicular beast was tamed, and thankfully unmaimed by the previous attempts at metal-surgery.
 An explosion of laughter filled the expansive gymnasium with the variety of talent that entered the enticing stage.

 We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, accepted a gift pamphlet from grandpa, a pocket-sized version of the constitution of the United States, with a charge to read and understand the philosophy our great country was built on.  Oh happy day of independence!
Summer days of bliss with our relations ended with a trip to the co-op farm that Lady Beverli and her family take part in once a week.

 And no reunion could be complete without the genuine grins of siblings and their parents captured digitally to be remembered always.

The sun set and the following dear Irish blessing came to mind~
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sunshine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
The splendor of the trip is told through the following photos my husband captured.  You can feel the fun, and take part in the beauty we got to be a part of just through the stories his photos tell.  Enjoy!

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