Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Amara's Baptism Day

 It was a special day for Amara.  It was a special day for us all!
 The third weekend in August, lots of family drove up the canyon to be there for Amara's special day.
Things started a little late, since we were locked out of the church and we had to wait for someone to open it up for us.  It all worked out okay, though.

Amara wore a white dress- the same one Lily wore on her baptism day.  Then, she and Steve got dressed into white jumpsuits for the actual baptism.

The white clothing represents cleanliness.  When you are baptized you become clean and free from your sins and you make a 2 way promise with God that you will keep his commandments and he will forgive you of your sins.  It's a rebirth, a new start, and a beautiful way to begin your journey dedicated to serving others and living as Jesus Christ would like us to.

She was a little nervous about being baptized, even though you couldn't tell.  The baptism was witnessed by Amara's grandfather Art Christensen and her Uncle Matt Christensen.  The talk on the Holy Ghost was given by Amara's grandfather, James Lauret to a congregation that consisted not only of Amara and all those who came to see her get baptised, but also those who came to see Brenton Phelps get baptized (which were not few in numbers).  There were so many in attendance that they held the talks in the chapel, and then had the children and their group go separately for the actual baptism.

I asked her about her baptism, and this is what she said,
"We tried on the small clothes, and they were a teensy bit too small, so we tried on the mediums, but those didn't work either, they were too big.  So, I had to wear the small one that didn't exactly fit me. 
"And then, once I finally got my clothes on, I went to the font and I saw dad waiting.  And once he said it was time to get into the water, I went down the steps into the water.  While I went into the water, it felt like a bathtub.  It was warm.  I wished I could stay in there forever so I could be warm.  Then once dad dunked me under, I felt the spirit, and I hadn't felt it before, but when that happened I learned what it felt like."  
She also said,
"My favorite thing at the luncheon was Aunty April's famous chocolate chip cookies and Aunty Mandy's fluff."
I was so preoccupied with other things, I got so few pictures of the people that were there and the wonderful luncheon that we had afterwards.  I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't think ahead, but if any of my family has more pictures they can send me, I'd love to have them.
Mom and April setting things up

Getting things ready for the luncheon held at the pavilion at the Stake Center.

Family members came from far away.   25 relatives came including Steve's parents and brother, his sister Laurel and her family, Beverli and her kids, my dad and Debby, my uncle David and Aunt Claudia, and my brother Micah and his family, my sister April and her family, as well as my mom.

Uncle Micah

The tables were decorated with my mom's bright tablecloths and streamers.

The sunflowers were lovingly picked by yours truly, Amara's grandma Margaret, and Amara herself.  The day before, we drove along 2000 North near our house and just clipped them from the roadside.  It was somewhat frightening because of all the bees and red ants, though.

a few of the gifts to Amara.  The book is actually about a girl named Amara who was getting baptized.  Her grandma Debby got that one for her.

We were glad that we could spend time and visit with so many family members that day.

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