Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Ordinary Day: A Picture An Hour

Amara caught some snowflakes on a washcloth and photographed them this morning.
 One of my New Year Resolutions this year is that I want to do a blog post periodically where I set a timer for an hour and when the alarm goes off, I take a picture of what is happening in our lives at that very moment, then I set the timer again, and start the process all over.  During the course of the day I will have accumulated a picture every hour.  You see, I've noticed that I generally only blog about the pictures I take, and I often only take pictures at events.  I want to include more everyday stuff now.  When I do genealogy, I often wonder what an ordinary day was like for my ancestors, and I go to great lengths to try to put together a puzzle of their lives.  So I am going to make it easy on my posterity.  Here is my first post in a series that I'm going to call "An Ordinary Day: A Picture An Hour."

Please note: the times are not exact, but general.  And, some hours I had to take more than one picture to show what each of us were doing.

Doing English with Amara snuggled on my bed.  Ah, the comforts of homeschool.  I should state, when we read together, we will often do it on a bed or a couch or overstuffed bean bag.  When we do math or grammar/writing, the kids are usually at their desks in our office.

We just finished our reading, and Lily came in to tell me what she read about.

Amara listened and shared what she read about while she drew a picture.

Lunchtime!  I think I'm having leftover meatballs.  Leftovers are a lunch staple here.

Leftover taco for lunch!  P.S. Yes, she's still in her pajamas.

I found Amara reading Harry Potter on her bed after lunch.

I was checking the weather for upcoming travel plans.

Amara found a snack, and can't put the Harry Potter book down.

Lily is using a free coding-for-kids website called "Scratch" developed by MIT.  She loves it and will often create something there in her freetime.

I remembered I needed to get the rolls out to thaw for dinner.

I was folding clothes on my bed while watching an online show about mountain men being projected on my wall from our projector.  

The girls were pretending to play quidditch.

To speed up the rolls rising, I had put the rolls in a gently warm oven (200 degrees or so), covered with plastic wrap sprayed with non-stick spray, and a pan of water beneath it.  Works like a charm.  

Lily was in charge of family night and was going go make this box mix for dessert.

Amara, or should I say "Hermione," is flying on her broomstick and casting spells with her wand.

Dinnertime!  We had Chicken and Rice soup with warm rolls.  We generally eat around the 5:00 hour because Steve gets home and he is completely famished from not having eaten anything all day long at school.  He insists he doesn't have time to eat there, and he's used to it and not hungry anyway.  I don't know how he does that.  I'd faint on my students if I did that!  And even if I didn't faint, I know I'd be pretty cranky.

I checked my email and was reading aloud one of the recent emails from my missionary sister, Ashley.

We had a SKYPE family night with my brother's family.  This was a first for us, and very fun and successful.

After the kids got ready for bed and we had our dessert, Steve read to us.  We read books as a family each night, and this one was by E. Nesbit called "The Five Children And It."  It was Steve and Lily's second time reading it, and they didn't like it as much the second time through, but I thought it was pretty good, as did Amara.  It was a bit long, though.

And that was our ordinary day.


  1. This is such a fun idea! I'm really enjoying reading through your blog. You've inspired me to start mine up again. I might have to steal this idea :)

  2. I love this idea! I loved seeing what a day at your house looks like. And that skype FHE was super fun. We will definitely have to do it again!

  3. Cool mom! keep up the really great ideas!!! p.s check your email.
