Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Random Pictures from March

I've gotten behind in blogging...again.  Today I'm going to give you a disjointed post where I dump random pictures from March and sporadically throw in some text to let you know what's going on.  Let's get started, shall we?

The Relief Society had a birthday party.  I helped set up, and it was SO fun!  The theme was birthday party and we had fill-up-your-own treat bags and cupcakes for dessert.  Dinner was Pasta Lasagne that people signed up to bring, and we also had salad.  45 people came, which is a good turn out for us.  We also played games- a get to know you bingo game, and a service circle where we wrote down 2 services we'd be willing to do for someone in the next month, then we stood in a large circle and passed our papers left and right according to a story that was being read to us, then what ever paper we ended up with, we got to choose one of the two services we wanted done.  Services were to be done within a month's time.  The service I received was a plate of delicious no-bake cookies from Jessica, a girl I used to visit teach.  The service I rendered was I brought a plate of lunch-lady peanut butter bars to a family that I absolutely love, the Rasmussens, who helped me landscape my yard.  We had so many sisters tell the presidency how much fun they had and just how glad they were that they came and got to know other sisters.

My kids play with friends any day it's warm enough.  Here you see the Davis kids with Amara.  Madi is a year younger than Amara, Jax is 3 years younger than Amara and Ivy is 7 years younger.  They always have a good time hauling our yard chairs and wagon  and landscaping materials around to build stuff.

Steve decided on our way home from Vernal one sunny day that he wanted to do an impromptu photo shoot of me.  It was WINDY and my hair was WILD, and Steve took in and ran with it.  He did a wonderful job.  I'll be his model any day :)

My friend, Salina, invited us to come see her chicks she is raising.

Steve needed a hair cut, so we gave him a mullet.  Then we laughed.  Then we cut it all really short.  No after pics, sorry.

My girls dressed all matchy-matchy for church one day, so of course I made them stand outside in the freezing air to get a picture.

Did you know that March 14 is Pi Day?  It is because it is 3.14, which is Pi.  So, we joined many others in eating some pie that day.

St. Patrick's Day came bumping along shortly after Pi Day.  Our homeschool co-op did a party at a church.

For dinner that night, the girls set the table all festive-like, and we had the traditional corned beef and potatoes dinner.  My mom joined us for the feast.

 The kids played red-rover at the party.  That game is outlawed in public school, but homeschoolers still let the kids have fun.  And surprisingly, not one person got hurt.

We were dressed up one Sunday and had my mom snap some family pics for us at her house after the temple dedication broadcast at the stake center by her house.

And we took a few pics with props inside my mom's house, too.

We visited family for Easter (I'll do a separate post with those photos).  While we were at Grandma Christensen's the girls treated us to a hula hoop show.

Steve got this pic of a bee on an apricot blossom at his mom's house.

And there was this lovely photo of another beautiful blossom, his mother.
 Amara helped Tommy around my dad's house.
 We tried out a gourmet donut place... YUM!

We also went on a walk and played at the park.

Steve got this amazing photo of the clouds reflecting in the sidewalk puddle.  It doesn't look real, but I swear to you that it is.

Daphne, my niece, and my daughters braided my hair all pretty-like.

Lily and Amara made some fun paper crafts with their cousin, Eva.

That's it for March Randomness.  Stay tuned for a similar post from the month of April.

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