Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Our 13th Anniversary - Day 4

 The sunlight from the window brightened the room and cast a romantic glow on our morning meal that was placed atop an authentic, aged, pioneer-built table, the light fragrance of the lilac blooms adding to the ambiance. We had slept in a bit before we made our breakfast, and to our delightful surprise, our hosts brought us over a warm plate of cinnamon rolls.  Our omelettes that morning had sauteed mushrooms and onions, and we had some of the sweet, homemade raspberry jam on our toast.    This was our last few hours at this cabin on the Bear Lake beach, and it was wonderful.  It was time to pack up and head back down Logan canyon to stay a couple more nights.  We would have stayed longer in Bear Lake, but we only had so much money to spend, and the cabin was booked for the weekend.

On our way out of town, we stopped to take a picture of Zips, a memorable, yet casual eating experience that we really enjoyed the day before.

There were beautiful vistas as you crest the hill leading into Logan Canyon, overlooking the Bear Lake valley.  Everything was so green still, and the temperature was so pleasant.

When we got to Logan, we decided to visit some of the recommended sites.  First stop- Gossner's Factory for flavored milk.  We ended up buying a variety of flavored shelf-stable milks including cookies and creme, orange cream, strawberry, chocolate, and my favorite, root beer float milk.  We kept them in our car, since they don't need refrigeration until you break the seal, and brought them back as tasty souveniers to share with our kids.

We walked the grounds of the Logan temple.  It is very castle-like in it's appearance.

And we also visited a little local zoo that was shady and had plenty of neat animals to see.
Steve could jump as far as a kangaroo rat, which is to say, a little farther than a bullfrog, but not as far as a jackrabbit.

Dusting off my hat that fell off when I jumped.  I only made it as far as a bullfrog.

These painted rocks are really cool and I thought I'd use them as inspiration for an art activity with my kids sometime.

This duck liked Steve and let him get really close.

This turtle was quite active while we were there.

This one had a cool head design.

This peacock was SHOWING OFF!  It was so cool to watch it come and spread it's feathers and strut in circles.

This Emu wasn't afraid of us.

It's not everyday you see an Emu, a Pelican, and a Reindeer in the same field!

We bought some duck food pellets and fed some to these little ducklings, and gifted the rest to some kids to continue feeding the ducks.
All those activities made for a full, fun afternoon.  We ended up going out to eat and catching a movie before we finally made it back to our little basement room we rented earlier that week on airbnb.  Another great day together!

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