Monday, October 24, 2016

Blad Reunion July 2016

The Blads are my step-mom's side of the family.  They have a reunion every year, and this year it was close enough to home and budget friendly that we were able to go.  They held the reunion at the park in Kanosh, and people could either camp out at one of the Blad reletive's yards in town or find their own lodging elsewhere.  We opted to camp out at Grandpa Blad's backyard, along with Micah's family, Trent's family, My dad, Debby, Emmy, and Stockton.  And if you thought their backyard was full, all you had to do was go in the house.  And we all shared 2 bathrooms.  It all worked out, especially since we were at the park the entire day.  They fed us breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 2 days.  There were bounce-slides set up, water kickball, huge sprinkler, and 4 games of corn hole.  They also brought in a DJ on the last night and held a dance under the pavillion.  We had so much fun!

Corn Hole game.  Steve was pretty good!

Playing this with Steve made me want to get one.

Left to right: Amara, Emmy, Lily.  Stockton in the background.

Corn hole competitions all day long!  It's a very popular game with the Blads.

Afternoon popsicles!

Lastly, I'll leave you with a really cool, really creepy, picture Steve took from Grandpa Blad's backyard.  That spider is carrying all her babies on her abdomen!  EEEEKKK!

1 comment:

  1. yes yes yes! keep it up! this is what I like to read.
