Monday, October 24, 2016

Mid Summer Madness

Here are some random photos from July.  Many of the things we did were things to pass off our 101 things to see and do contest.  You can find all our entries on instagram if you follow me (epklc4).
Biking near Bullock reservoir

Amara found some shade under the tree limbs

We went out to eat at the Quarry in Vernal.
 We went to Eva's farewell back in July.  She's an admirable woman with beauty inside and out.  We are so happy for her and her choice to serve a mission.
Eva had her mission farewell

We went swimming with Mandy's family and April's family at the Payson pool.

Can you say Pokemon Go!  It was all the rage this summer.

So, do you snapchat yet?  We do!
Dress like a cow, get free chick-fil-a

Ew.  This one was hilarious.  Steve is so icky with lipstick and lashes!  My eyebrows and beard are out of control!

I couldn't stop laughing at Steve's face in this one.

Aren't we cute?

Made into art.
 Steve has been practicing his photography and honing his skills this summer.  I'm really proud of him.  We went one day on a quick photoshoot at the tech college.  Amara gets sick of our photo outings but that usually because it pulls her away from playing with her friends.  She still has a good time with us once she gets over the initial disappointment of "time to go."
 We went up to outlaw country near Flaming Gorge and spent a night camping at a KOA, went to a rodeo, picnicked, saw Swett Ranch and Jarvie Ranch, took a dam tour, and saw some of the most beautiful scenery on our drive.  This is one beautiful place we live in!
Picnic at Swett Ranch

Flaming Gorge Dam tour

Jarvie Ranch

It's peaceful at Jarvie Ranch, but watch for the leaping gazelles in bright blue shoes!

Scenic overlook between Flaming Gorge and Manilla.  So pretty!

My amazing photographer hubby

Taking it all in
 Back at home, we were able to attend our ward's pioneer picnic at the Ballard Park, where they fed us and had pioneer themed activities for us to enjoy like hammering a nail into a log and pulling it back out, making butter, sawing thick sticks, washing and hanging laundry, and dressing up like pioneers for a photobooth.
Steve and Lily hammering away.
 Our garden did well while we were away.
Behind me are our pole beans and corn.

Pizza pie cafe in Highland had free face painting the day we went there.
We were probably away from our home for most of July.  We are so lucky and blessed to have the summers to play and make family memories as much as we do.  I truly feel like my husband is a hero for working so hard at a very difficult job during the school year so we can have a whole summer with him around and happy.  Good times!

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