Sunday, December 18, 2016

Heather and Alex's Wedding

 We started September off with a wonderful event, Heather and Alex's wedding.  They got married in the Salt Lake Temple and I was so happy I got to be there.  I love the beauty and spirit I feel at the temple.  After the wedding, we waited outside and enjoyed the beautiful day.  Then there were the usual photos and after that there was a fancy adults-only luncheon at an Italian restaurant at the City Creek mall.

The next day was the reception.  I helped in the kitchen as my dad was the caterer for the event, and we were preparing a full dinner buffet for 300 people.  
garlic-parmesan rolls

Prepping rolls

preparing the chicken parmesan for frying

Chicken ready to be fried

The warming ovens were convenient.

Debby's sister, Cheryl was a great help in the kitchen.

We all worked together to make all the food.
 The reception was beautiful.  It was held at the Highland Gardens.

 The food turned out perfect and it was a wonderful evening.  Lily and Amara worked with a couple other cousins to clear plates from tables.  They were cute working together.  I wish I had pictures of them.
Crackers and antipasti

dessert table set up

Jake came in town for the wedding!  We were so happy to see him here- all the way from Texas!

These indoor gardens were stunning.

buffet table almost ready

The bride's room

Fruits and key lime dip.  I helped slice the fruit.

Getting all ready.

Caprese skewers and Caesar salad

There's the rolls I helped make

Lily donned her new glasses.

Angel hair and chicken parmesan

I loved their dessert table.  It featured Alex's favorite dessert- red velvet cake roll (my dad made all those), and Heather's favorite dessert- BYU ice cream (There were 5 different flavors)

The ice cream.  The Graham Canyon was my favorite.
It was a beautiful wedding and it was heart warming to see all the family support Heather and Alex.  They are truly loved.  I loved the dance they held and Alex and his groomsmen's dance.  It was really fun.

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