Tuesday, April 18, 2017

FHE: Amara's Key's of History Scripture Stories Game

 So, this family night was a couple months ago, but Amara was really creative and made a fun game for us to play, modeled after a timed trivia game we play for our history curriculum.  The game board is a circle with spaces that have different events or items from the scriptures on them.  On your turn, you simply roll the dice, move your piece and answer the fill-in-the-blank trivia card associated with the space you landed on.
Game setup

The cards had the topic and picture on one side...
Front view of the cards
 ... and the fill-in-the-blank trivia on the other side.  If you got the answers correct, you got to keep the card and put a marker (yellow skittle) on that space to mark it out of play.  If you didn't get the answers correct, someone else would have the chance to get that card if they land on that space.
The back side of the cards.   

the game board
 We had a lot of fun playing that game, and I saved it in case we want to play it again someday!

For dessert, there was microwave mug cakes with whip cream and sprinkles.  I love family home evenings!


  1. Wow, could she bring this game to play at the reunion? Whichever day you think.
    Looks sooo fun.
