Monday, February 26, 2018

Who Built the Ark?

Brother Noah Built the Ark! That was the song we sang as Amara played it on the piano tonight for family night.  It's found in a beginners piano book that we have.  Steve was in charge this week and he just taught Amara's class about Noah's Ark yesterday in primary, so he decided to extend his lesson into our family home evening. 

We paired up and we were told that our team had 10 minutes to learn all we could about the story of Noah and the Ark.  Amara and I were a team and we grabbed her scriptures and I showed her how to use the "Guide to the Scriptures" found in the back of her new Book of Mormon.  We looked up Ark and found that the stories were in Genesis 6-8.  We read about half of that and Amara inserted the things she had learned in class to help me understand.  Then, Steve called time and we all gathered for the game.

 Steve downloaded an app called "Guess Up," kinda like the game "Heads Up," except you can make your own topics and cards, and he had made one for Noah's Ark.  It was really fun! 

It was also fun for me to review some of the details found in the scriptures.  7 pairs of "clean" animals (the ones they would eat- those that "chew the cud and part the hoof") and only 2 pairs of the "unclean" boarded the ark.  Mom asked, "Why didn't they bring the fish on the ark?"  She's always making us laugh! 

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