Tuesday, April 10, 2018

4-H TRY conference for Lily and Me!

Steve's muffin with milk poured all over it was his choice for breakfast at the hotel.
Lily and I had an opportunity to join 4-H for a conference that trained youth in healthy living and encouraged them to teach it to others.  Other than the $10 4-H fee for Lily, everything else was free, including the stay at the hotel, all the meals, and the conference with all it's swag.  Since we had the hotel room to ourselves, we invited Steve and Amara to join us.  Then Lily had the chance to be in the room with the other girl in the conference, which she took right away.  Then we met the girl and found out that we actually know her.  She's in our ward! 
Lily, Me, Gabby Pike
We enjoyed our time together at Thanksgiving Point going to the different classes.  Lily was really not looking forward to this conference that I was basically making her go to for her own good.  I'm happy to report that she actually enjoyed it  more than she thought she would.  She had a good time other than the fact that she was starting to get a cold and had a sore throat and other annoying symptoms.
Our first class

Our teacher talking about potatoes

Nutrition facts for 100 grams of potato made 3 ways. P.S. Chips are the worst for you, yes worse than fries.

Comparison of grease from regular chips vs. baked chips

Lily trying a new fruit!  Kiwiberry!

Kiwiberries!  They're at walmart and SO GOOD!  Unfortunately they're like $7 a container.

Taste like a sweet kiwi just without the fuzzy skin!  You can eat it like a plum.

Steve, Amara, Grandpa hanging out until our conference was finished.
It was a short trip to Utah County, but I'm glad we could do it!  More memories for the books!

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