Sunday, September 30, 2018

Donuts Are Joyful

Do you like donuts? When I was a kid I did not really like donuts because we had them almost every Saturday morning. I went through a phase where I liked glazed donuts. I also went through a phase when I liked chocolate frosted donuts filled with Bavarian Cream. Oh yeah, and cake donuts were good for awhile. I just got tired of them all.  When there would be donuts at a church activity I was disappointed because donuts were nothing special to me.

I think my dad's plan to get us out of bed on Saturday mornings to help out with family projects such as weeding, or cleaning the house, scrubbing the bathroom, or mowing the lawn, was brilliant! He would come into our bedroom singing the BYU cougar fight song, quote Rise & Shout the Cougars are out, quote and after he got us all to moan and groan then he would leave the room telling us that he would be back in 10 minutes with our Donuts. He usually took our order at that time as well. He would drive down the street to a grocery store that is no longer there called Allen's Food and Drug. Sure enough he would be back in 10 minutes and for some reason our stomachs were strong enough motivators to pull us out of our magnetic beds... usually (The beds were not actually magnetic in case you're wondering what that is).

Well as I got older, and my sister got a job at Krispy Kreme, Steve and I would often go there and receive a free dozen donuts. Krispy Kreme opened up my eyes to the world of warm donuts, a taste of heaven on earth. As a side note, somewhat off-topic, I revealed my first pregnancy to my sister while she was at work at Krispy Kreme. She was so thrilled that she screamed and jumped up and down right in front of all her customers!

Well, when I was staying at my sister's house this past weekend, she brought home some amazing donuts from Payson Bakery. The glazed donuts were still hot in the box. They were so light and airy and as you ate them, they would slide down your throat like oil. Probably because that's exactly what you're eating- orbs of oil. 

It brought me joy to see Tommy and Bridger eating their donuts. I only ate one bite because donuts are that bad for me, but that one bite somehow only left 1/4 of a donut in the box.

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