Saturday, October 20, 2018

Late June Early July Randomness

Our very own Mr. & Mrs. C's Lemon Creme Cake with Streusel Topping 
Kalbi steak, krab potato salad and green salad.
Food has such a way of bringing back good memories for me.  The Lemon Creme Cake is a recipe Stephen and I developed together after having a delicious dessert at the Olive Garden.  Ours turned out nothing like theirs, but ours is still wonderful.  Because it's time intensive, it's a cake saved for special occasions only, like the 4th of July in this case.  It was hot that day and the whip cream frosting was melting off the cake.  I just learned a tip from a friend Debbie Hamaker this past weekend.  She puts pudding mix into her whip cream for sweetener and it also firms it up more.

July 4th for me should always have something grilled and krab potato salad.  Kalbi reminds me of my dad and my childhood, and also my brother Joe because whenever he comes to visit me, I have him grill Kalbi for me.  There is nothing that smells better on the grill than that!

Me posing in the hot sun for the camera.  I was going for a distressed-in-the-heat look.

Lily posing in the sun.  She's going for a sun-don't-blind-me look.
Steve was testing out his polarizing lens, so he had Me and Lily get in the harsh sun and face it. That's why we have the weird pics.

Every now and again I walk to the top of our hill in the backyard and have a look around.  It's really pretty up there looking out across the farmer's field and watching a sunset.
Our house from the back of the property

The pretty sunset from the back of our property.  There was lots of smoke from wildfires this summer making for some pretty sunsets.

Amara has a goal to earn a bike by letting her nails grow out. 

We stayed with April's cute family...

Here's a few more random photos.
Steve talked about this fruit in Brazil.  It grows very high in trees, is heavy like a watermelon, and spiky.  It's deadly if it falls on you.

A sip and a trip to Chuck a Rama in Lehi.
There's a park in Orem with cool photo opportunities.

I wanted to remember what other wards do for their relief society activities since that's what I help plan in our ward.  This is April's ward's classes:

Getting ready for cow-appreciation-day (Chick-Fil-A)...

Wish I had more pics and better ones.

That's it for this post of the random things we did this summer.

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