Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Quick Christmas Visit from My Dad and Debby

Dad, Deb, and Lily and Amara with all their gifts
It was the day after Christmas.  Dad and Debby were on their way to a wedding for Debby's niece in Colorado, and would be passing by my neck of the woods.  Well, you can imagine that I didn't want that opportunity to pass by without seeing them!  They came bearing gifts galore for our girls.  Debby said, "I may have gotten a few more for your girls this year than usual."  It's just they don't get to see us as often, so the gifts pile up.

I wish I had a photo of all the gifts they opened.  It was so fun having a second Christmas morning with the girls getting a whole new wardrobe with the cute finds Debby is known for. 
Just trying out a new "portrait" setting on my phone camera
 They couldn't stay long, but we were able to visit a minute as they ate breakfast with us.  We served them "stacked eggs." It was a food network recipe I read about last year sometime, where you take scrambled eggs, stack them on a slice of toast, pour homemade cheese sauce over the top, then stack on your choice of toppings.  Our toppings included saute'ed peppers and onions, sour cream, grated cheese, salsa, sliced green onions.  We also had some fruits they could grab too.

Before they left, the girls put on one of the outfits they got and modeled them for grandma and grandpa.  Lily just loved this grey shirt she got. She's grown out of so many of her clothes this past year.  She has definitely hit a growth spurt.
Lily's favorite shirt
We're so thankful for the gifts and for the wonderful gift of time we got to share with my dad and Deb!

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