Friday, December 14, 2018

Amara's Christmas Cookie Exchange Party

 Amara got excited when she found a kit in my Christmas stuff that had invitations for a cookie exchange.  She found me and asked what a cookie exchange was.  I told her about how friends get together bringing a plate of cookies and a recipe and then trade them around so everyone leaves the party with a bunch of different cookies and recipes to make them all.  Her eyes lit up and she asked if she could have a cookie exchange party with her friends.  "Sure thing" I told her. Then she was off to make her invites.

She texted her friends' moms to give them a heads up, then the next day handed out invitations to her party that was to happen in 2 days. 

Amara decided to make gingerbread men but using a shortbread cookie recipe.  Those were so yummy.  I loved the buttery goodness.  Her decorating of them was really cute.

As her friends arrived, we unwrapped their cookies and took pictures of them all.  We made copies of all of their recipes to send home with them.  Amara had planned a fun "cookie-walk" game for her friends which was also the way she determined how to exchange the cookies.  Everyone got a new paper plate decorated with their names to put their exchanged cookies on.

 As Christmas music played, the girls walked around on the numbered papers on the floor.  When the music stopped, so did they.  Then a number was called and whomever was on that number got to be the first one to choose a cookie to put on their plate to take home.  They played until all the cookies had been exchanged.
 Then Amara planned a game where they balanced an ornament on the spoon as they walked through an obstacle course.  It proved to be more difficult than expected.

 Another game was one where we were to draw on a paper plate what ever word Amara told us, but we had to place the plate on our head and do it.  Also more difficult than it sounds.
 Steve and I joined in on this game.

 We had a cookie break so the girls could grab a taste of the cookies.  Then we played hide and seek in the dark where we had to try to scare the person who was it.  Steve was pretty scary sometimes.

She ended the party with a game of ninja.  It came down to Paige and Lily, and Lily ended up winning.

It was a lot of fun for us!  Hope Amara plans another party soon!

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