Wednesday, January 16, 2019

April's Weekend Visit

I'm using an annoying app to type this on my phone. 

It's going to post all these pictures in random order, so oh well.

I just wanted to remember forever that my sister came to visit us last week when Devon had a Friday off from school. They arrived around 5:30 pm on Thursday. We ate April's favorite, Hawaiian haystacks, for dinner.

April slept on the couch and had her boys share a room together.  When we woke up the next morning, they joined us for some Zumba!

We broke in my brand new Christmas gift, the Bosch mixer, to make April's famous chocolate chip cookies!

We decided to take them to the Win-on Buffet in Vernal for lunch, which was awesome! Amara didn't want to go out to eat, so she stayed home and babysat Bridger.  That's right. My baby is babysitting. Excuse me while I check into the geriatric ward...

The buffet was good stuff! Devon was excited to see jello there. He had 3 plates of food, each with a serving of jello.  He also likes the chocolate pudding and beef  and broccoli. Tommy was a good eater too, eating an entire plate of sushi, then dessert. When I asked him what I should go get for Lily, he said, "hot dog, soup, and a marshmellow." The sushi was really good, by the way.

We took them to Gale's bookstore before we headed back home.

Later in the afternoon we hit up the bread store up the street. April's favorite! It sells bread for only 50 cents a loaf!

Dinner we decided to order from Domino's Pizza. (What! A brand new restaurant in Roosevelt!) We made an outing of it by piling everyone in April's truck and going through the drive through, which was so cool they even had that because it was cold, foggy, and snowy outside. 

The pizza was good, but the highlight of the evening was when Steve made an appearance wielding his Christmas gift, an Air Cannon. He got the kids running and ducking around the room, challenging him to try and hit them.  My favorite was watching Tommy's straight hair puff up when he'd get hot with the air in the face. Bridger was sitting in his high chair and was an easy target. He thought it was pretty fun and funny to get hit with air!

All in all, it was a really enjoyable time, albeit too short. They ended up leaving at 7am in the cold and fog the next morning.  We love you guys! Come back soon!

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