Sunday, March 31, 2019

Valentine's Day Dinner and Party

 Well, well, well...
Our special thing we did on Valentine's Day this year was a simple pizza dinner.  Mom mentioned she'd buy crab legs for everyone, but I thought we could keep it simple but still fun. 

I baked off totinos pizzas and cut them into shapes to resemble hearts.  While they were cooking, we ate our salads as an appetizer.  Then for dessert there were store bought cookies and cream puffs.
 Amara and Lily set the table for us. There were floating candles and colorful paper hearts.  Our tablecloth was a lavender-colored twin sheet and we used the heavy square dinner plates and bowls.

Salad appetizer

Mint-chocolate cookies and cream puffs for dessert

Amara and Lily planned a Valentine's Day party with their friends.  We did it on a Saturday at 10am, two days after Valentine's day, so more people could come and stay longer.  They played some really cute games, like hot potato, but with a bag of clothes and you had to put on something from the bag if the music stopped and you were the one with the basket in front of you.
 The clothes were all random things from my closet.

They also decided to heart-attack their Young Women's leader's house.  She had just had surgery near her eye, for skin cancer.  Poor thing.  So these sweet girls cut out a bunch of colorful hearts, wrote nice messages on them, then my mom and I drove them to their leader's house and the girls secretly taped the hearts everywhere.  When they got caught, they just told her to go back inside and they'd knock when they were done.

They did finish and when they brought their leader out, she was so sweet and her eye was swollen shut, and they sang to her:
"We love you Becky,
Oh, yes, we do,
We love you Becky,
We do,
Oh, Becky, we love you!"

It was such a sweet gesture my girls did with their friends.  I'm glad they thought of her and brightened her day. 

When they got home, Steve had been slaving over the waffle iron to make waffles for the 8 girls and us 3 adults, of course, and we were all ready to eat.  We had a waffle bar that included homemade berry sauce, whipped cream, chocolate chips, diced bananas, maple syrup, butter, and blueberries.
 The waffles were a hit.

After lunch anyone who could stay and play longer was welcome to.  Almost everyone stayed.  They played hide and seek in the house, went outside to jump on the trampoline, came inside and painted nails, went outside for a snowball fight... etc.  They all had such a fun time together. There were so many that stayed, that I was glad I had leftover soup to feed them all when they got hungry in the afternoon.  They all really liked the chicken noodle soup leftovers!  I ended up taking everyone home around 5pm.

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