Sunday, May 5, 2019

Wonderful Moments From March

Amara and I went on a date to the temple one morning.  We should do it again soon.  Lily was sick so she stayed home to rest.

The snow took it's sweet time melting this year.  We are thankful for that because too quick of a melt means flooding for us.
 I love ward activities! The ward auction is a big event.  They feed everyone a spaghetti dinner, people bring mystery bags for silent auction, and there's a bake sale and live auction as well.  At the end, you pay whatever donation you'd like for the dinner and any of the items you purchased throughout the night.  The relief society was asked to arrange the bake sale.  I made the fliers and on them included a picture of some really tasty no bake preacher cookies that we made for Lily's mutual activity one night.
For our mystery bags that we donated to the silent auction-
Amara created a dog care kit: collar, leash, dog treats, dog toys
Lily made a babysitting bag: toys, waterbottle, book, coloring stuff
I made a peanut butter lovers bag: peanut butter, 3 peanut butter recipes, a batch of PB no bake preacher cookies, Reeses peanut butter cereal, Reeses candies.
 The bake sale was at the back of the gym, the mystery bags were along the edges.  The live auction was at the front.  The spaghetti dinner was in the middle.  The gym was really packed.
 Amara was in charge of helping with the bake sale. Lily was in charge of helping serve food for dinner.

We were so pleased to see that Heather and Alex welcomed baby Solene into the world that same night as the ward auction.

Steve asked the girls and I to be judges at the 5th grade science fair.  We enjoyed getting to judge one of the classes and see the projects.  The overall winner did an experiment where she took eggs and immersed them in different things overnight (gatorade, grape juice, dr. pepper) to show what could be taking place to our teeth if we don't brush them and they sit and bathe in the sugary substances we consume.

St. Patrick's day was on Sunday.  I loved St. Patrick's story and his Lorica.  To me it was what we really should be celebrating, not silly leprechauns, clovers, and green.
 I love our traditional St. Patrick's day dinner.  I'm the only one  that likes corned beef apparently.  Too bad, though.  I'm still making it because it's tradition that goes back to my great-grandpa!  I suppose it's sorta like my dad- he makes fruitcake every December, no one really likes fruitcake except him, but it's tradition!

 Amara decorated the table with some cute homemade decorations.  She used yellow playdough stuck to pennies to make gold for the centerpiece and drew each of us our own namecard.  She also drew a couple comics.

Amara and Lily have been using their creativity to learn different things.  Amara taught herself to crochet  using a youtube tutorial.
 Lily has been creating new hairstyles on her long gorgeous hair.

Steve and I offered a 10 week photography class and had a small group of 4 awesome teen girls.

My committee and I put together a really enjoyable evening for our Relief Society birthday party.  We had dinner (Indian tacos), Birthday cake (people signed up and we had them as our centerpieces and dessert), we had an inspiring speaker talk about Pres. Nelson's plea to the sisters to participate fully in relief society, and we did a game (the cold wind blows) to do a service exchange.  It was great fun!

Amara was a sweet heart and made me breakfast one morning.  She went out and picked me a fresh spray of what she could find, dried sprigs of this and that.  Then she made me toast with jam and an adorable clementine elephant.

One of the fun days we did for photography was composite pictures.  Here was one Steve put together as an example.

The girls and I had dresses made for us from Steve's cousin, Chelsea Fox.  She has a facebook business and custom makes dresses.  We got to choose everything from the fabric to the cuts, lengths, and fitted exactly to our measurements.

1 comment:

  1. You three all look so beautiful in your new dresses. Perfection.
