Friday, August 2, 2019

Our Minersville Vacay to see Hayley's Family and Amara's Birthday

Big burger for a mini tum tum
 We made it all the way to Minersville (20 minutes past Beaver, UT).  We met my sister Hayley and her family for dinner at Timberline Restaurant.  The food was good.  I highly recommend the spinach-mushroom-artichoke quesadilla AND a slice of the caramel-pecan cheesecake.  That was outstanding!

On the way to Hayley's house, we stopped at the Beaver Nursery where there was a playground for the kids and animals galore roaming around- peacocks, turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese... it was cool!  Although the nursery was closed, we were able to take a walk around, which was fun.  Apparently Grandpa Blad is good friends with the nursery owner and gets free tomato plants every year from him.  He drives an hour down to go see him each year and pick up the tomatoes.

 When we got to Hayley's, Scott was hobbling on his broken leg, poor guy!  We got to help Hayley with the chores by feeding their horses, which was fun.  They have a large, beautiful property w/ animals.

July 31

Amara rode Lucey, the miniature horse, and so did Stockton and Tanner.  In fact, they all made a lovely, cute, funny iMovie of it. Follow this link to see their movie- Pony Power iMovie

Amara riding Lucey with Lily and Stockton looking on

Taking off muddy shoes.  It was rainy outside.
The rain may have altered our plans a bit, but we still had a good time.  We went to the library, the town grocery store, and Beaver's Creamery.

The library was having a fun Harry Potter party. There were some Hogwarts-themed snack, games and decorations.  While some of the kids were busy having fun at the party, I sat at the table near the circulation desk and looked through some country and decor magazines.
Some fun foods at the Harry Potter Party

More Harry Potter Party snacks

Do you like the floating candles?

This was a cute "Free Dobby" game.

Stockton seeing how big he can blow up the balloon
The Beaver Creamery was a popular place, very nice, very new.  I think half the town (or maybe the whole town) had the same sweet idea as us on this rainy day.
Beaver Creamery ice cream.  A bit pricey, but tasty nonetheless.  This place was packed with people.
By 5ish, the rain was letting up.  I got a few photos edited before dinner- let's talk dinner!

We had Sweet Salsa Tacos.  Hayley said she got the recipe from Mandy.  It was the first time I had ever had them, and I LOVED them so much!  You basically crisp up corn tortillas rubbed with a little oil on a skillet, heat with cheese and taco meat until cheese is melted.  Top with lettuce, avocado, ranch and sweet salsa.  Sweet Salsa is just tomatoes, onion, and cilantro with lime squeezed all over and a drizzle of honey.  These are so so so GOOD!

In the evening we took a drive down the road to visit the neighbors who own some exotic pheasants that were absolutely beautiful as well as a dairy.  Can you say moo?
A look at the dairy cows 

 AUG 1
Amara's 12th Birthday

No doubt Amara felt incredibly special on her birthday!  She woke up to a special birthday breakfast prepared by Hayley. She made their family's traditional birthday crepes!  Stockton and Tanner collected an array of colorful flowers from around the front yard just for Amara!  She was also given candies and an adorable bracelet.

Amara opened all her gifts that we brought from home.  She loved her new comforter for her bed, color coordinated trash can, sour starburst gummies, and sour patch cereal.

After breakfast, the day was warm and ready for us.  We packed a picnic and headed for the hills!  Actually, we needed 4 wheel drive to get to where we were going, so Hayley arranged for us to borrow her in-law's truck. 

We went to a place called Rock Corral.  Good thing we borrowed that truck because the road we took was REALLY SKETCHY!  We got stuck once, but the 4 wheel drive got us out.  I must say that the picnic area was immaculate and we had the place to ourselves!

Then, when we got home, Amara helped collect eggs with her cousin, but not for long because we had to get ready to go to the reservoir.

Hayley had reserved paddle boats and kayaks at 5pm.  The kids enjoyed swimming around. They'd all stand together and take a running head start to dive out off the dock into the cool water.

Everyone had so much fun!

Hayley truly is the best!  She made an amazing Oreo ice cream cake for Amara.  We ate it at the pavillion picnic tables just a short walk from the water's edge.  It was seriously so good!

Amara's birthday was so full of fun activities!  It was a great surprise the next day to see that Hayley, our hero, got up early and saddled the pony so Amara could ride her before we left.

She got her every birthday wish and MORE! 

Reflecting on our time together with the Albrechts, I have nothing but absolutely wonderfully warm memories!  I loved getting to know everyone a little better, getting to explore the gorgeous surroundings and quaint towns of Beaver and Minersville, seeing all the plants and animal life, enjoying scenery, picnics, yummy food, etc., and all this enveloped in love and family!  It's my absolute most favoritest trinity in this life: gathering family + enjoying nature + tasty food! Wish we could spend more time with the Albrechts.  They are a family that anyone who is blessed to know them is better for it!  I love you Hayley, Scott, Emmy, Stockton, Tanner, and Kate!  Thanks for the AMAZING stay!

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