Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Good Times in May

Happy 18th Anniversary!

This year, we celebrated our anniversary solely because my mom was so giving and kind.  With plans to make plans that never actually happened, my mom stepped in and made us a fancy dinner!  We even had our choice of entree because she purchased some pre-made oven-ready gourmet dinners (not TV dinner) and also made some shrimp on a skewer, field greens salad, rice with quinoa (Lily made), and warm rolls with strawberry honey butter.

the table was set so pretty!

Steve Gets Teacher of the Year

He is modest and will tell you he doesn't deserve it, but he does.  What he does in the classroom is only a fraction of the soul he puts into his work!  

Youth Fundraiser Dinner

There used to be a ward auction, then it turned into an auction with bake sale, then an auction-bake sale-dinner, then covid hit.  The fundraiser turned into a drive-up spaghetti dinner with a raffle on the side.  I love the youth fundraiser, whatever they want to do for it.  
You drive up, they hand you an envelope and form to fill out and place your donation.

Our waitress was my favorite!

Then you drive around the corner and get your boxed up food, all done up by the youth.  It was spaghetti, rolls, and cookies.  Mom was disappointed that they didn't put enough meat sauce on all those pasta noodles and wanted them to give her more, but I talked her into just living with it.

We entered a raffle for a couple things and we WON A CHEESECAKE!  Calli Kettle made us a custom cheesecake and I asked her if we could get it in a few weeks for Lily's birthday, which she obliged.  She made her an amazing chocolate-peanut-butter cheesecake as per her request!

Mother's Day

Because of quarantining, I wasn't able to go to church and enjoy the meeting or go to Relief Society, their first meeting since last year because of covid.  What a bummer.  But, I was able to feel better and make some special meals.  For breakfast we had sourdough biscuit triangles, a tomato salad, fried ham, and a veggie omelet.  Dinner was adobo with rice, pea salad, beet greens, and haupia for dessert. Mom loved it!  We both love good food!

Young Women's Weenie Roast

I was so privileged to get to fill in for a YW leader at this fun mid-week activity!  We brought camp chairs to the Funk's house and roasted hotdogs and marshmallows over a nice warm fire.  We also got to play with their little goats.

Sneaker Dance Concert & Chalk Art

Every year Discovery Danceworks does an end of year sneaker concert at the adjacent park. The kids perform simple dances, it's very casual.  There's music, cookies, juice, and lots of chalk to make sidewalk art.  We love the fun community events that Miss Heather puts together.  She has brought the beauty of art to this community and woven it through the tapestry of my children's lives and so many others.  I am thankful that we discovered Discovery Danceworks through one of their dance concerts several years ago.

Jayden's Baptism Online

One thing I have really loved that came out of the pandemic restrictions was that we have been able to attend lots of family church-related events online. Over Zoom we were able to attend the baptism of Jayden all the way from Hawaii!  What a wonderful experience.  It's so special to witness!

Random Fun

The Funks were gracious enough to offer to have the girls to go horseback riding.

They were in heaven!

Amara showing off the size difference of her tiny radish against the normal sized one.

Amara's legs got pretty painted when she cleaned a paint roller beneath the stream of a running hose.  She had just painted our picnic table.

Pippin found a project to do when no one was looking.  Whatever paper this was, it is no longer.  Look how guilty he looks.


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