Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hawaii Cousins Visit Us!

Malia came first.  My mom picked her up so she could attend girls camp with my girls.  They went up near Paradise Lake.  It started raining sometime in the middle of camp and it didn't let up.  It was getting so wet up there that they had to come home a day early.  We needed all that rain.  Our drought conditions were so bad that we were on water restrictions which meant no outdoor watering, no garden, bye bye grass.  We were saving bath water and pouring it on our trees and shrubs. So, although the girls were sad to miss a day of camp, we all rejoiced to have a good downpour.

With Malia here, we took her up to This Is The Maine park where we were doing a photoshoot for the Petersons.  The girls all went off and had fun and snapped photos of their own.

What do you think of the water, Amara?

Cold mountain water

A few days later we were joined by my brother Joe and the rest of his kids.  We often would grab free sack lunch from the schools and head to a park to eat and hang.

Can you see the girls in the tree above JJ?

There's me, Pip, and Maizie.

Lily, Amara, and Malia decided to buy matching aloha gear and dress up.

Another fun activity we did was go to the Outdoor Trail Theater's production of Hello Dolly.  Apparently Maizie loves that show. I had never even seen it until Steve introduced it to me a few year ago.

A local pizza place, High Country Pizza, offers giant pizzas.  I decided to get us a couple of them one night for dinner.

The slices are so big, a normal paper plate can only hold half of it.

We had a puppy photoshoot for Little Paw Acres and the kids all wanted to go pet the puppies, so we brought them all along.

Steve is sitting on the ground while Malia is placing the puppy perfectly.

The pine trees at Constitution park became a favorite climbing place for the kids.

One day, we went on the Dino Trax trail hike at Red Fleet Reservoir.  The hike is a good family hike, about a mile long with amazing views and fossilized Dino tracks at the end.

We used some gift cards to get delicious Cold Stone ice cream after our hike.

Jayden thought these stickers were hilarious.

wisdom.  I guess.

Everyone needs a photo with the giant gorilla at Allred's Yard and Garden.

I showed Joe and JJ the hidden poem carved into the mountain in Roosevelt across from the cemetery

We ate breakfast at JB's right before the July 4th parade.

Parade time!

We went to the History Museum and looked around.
We are doing our creepy doll faces to match the doll behind us.

There was a display of the First Ladies of the USA and a quote from each of them.  I must say, some of the quotes they chose were RIDICULOUS!

Jayden liked the gun display.

We watched 4th of July fireworks at the Constitution Park.

We also went to the Bullock and Cottonwood Reservoirs to look around.

It was my first time ever at Cottonwood reservoir.  Such a pretty place.

Took everyone disc golfing.

There was a volleyball party at our Bishop's house that we all went to. The kids played in the yard with other kids while the adults played volleyball.

Amara found a white preymantis.

This was at Karla Hullinger's backyard where we picked the most delicious apricots ever!


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