Friday, March 25, 2022

Teams for Teens recents!

 Teams for Teens is a fun class that my mom teaches at the Alliance Learning center! It's so much fun, we get to play and lead games, and make friends along the way. Here's some of the recent and fun activities we've done!

First up we have a new thing we're doing, called Hobby Highlights! Where a couple students get to take a few minutes to show us the hobby of their choice! For the first week we had Tyler, Carter, William, Christopher, and Jonathon! 

Tyler's hobby highlight was playing the VR! (Virtual Reality) We got to watch him play a game that looked sorta like tag, but with monkeys. He also let anyone who wanted to take a turn playing the VR. William also chose for his hobby highlight to do the VR, except his headset couldn't connect to the TV so unfortunately we didn't get to really see what he saw.
For Jonathon's highlight, he chose droning! You can see the little black drone there, above the heads of some of the students. It was so fun to watch the drone zoom around the parking lot, and it takes skills! I've tried flying one before, and it's pretty difficult.
Christopher's chosen hobby was roping! He was originally just going to make one of his brothers get roped, but then several people volunteered! He was able to successfully rope all the volunteers, and it was fun to watch him chase after them swinging the rope like a cowboy!

After all the hobbies, we went and played games! This one below is called Scatterball, and it's a favorite! It's kinda like dodgeball, but when you get hit, instead of being out you just sit down. Then if the ball rolls to you while you're down, you can pick it up and throw it at someone who's up, and if you hit them you're back up!

Now, we're going back in time to a different day, where we played werewolf! This was a fun game, it's kind of like mafia, except there's more roles. I (Amara) was a villager for all the rounds I think, which is pretty rare since we played 3 rounds and there's so many different roles! So I just sat and did nothing except vote at the end. 😂

Now these next pictures below are a different day I think, where we played Blind Man's Bluff, and Sock dodgeball! Both of these games were so fun to play, and I especially loved dodgeball!

This is the last class I'll be highlighting, but in this one we played Wink murder, and we played a couple rounds in a different variation. Wink murder is the game where one person is chosen as the "murderer", and they have to kill the innocents by winking at them. We all walked around in the room until someone died, then decided who we thought the murderer was. Whoever we chose got eliminated! And the different variation was, instead of winking we shook hands with the people around us. Danyn was the murderer both times! What are the odds?

I absolutely love this picture of "dead" Carter just laying there smiling at the camera 😂

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