Monday, November 28, 2022

Pines in Paradise & Good Local Eats

Wa'ahila Ridge State Recreation Area

Straight up the cliffs from my brother's house is a forest unlike any I've ever been to.  We drove up some really steep streets to get up there.  The streets were akin to the vertical inclines in San Francisco.  Because there is a dense population on those steep hills, the roads are packed with parked cars, basically turned into one-way streets.  There are signs posted that uphill traffic gets the right of way.  I think it's good that they don't get snow there or else the cars would have a hard time getting home.
Tall trees
Once to Waahila Ridge, we had the forest all to ourselves.  It was a cool place.  Joe told me that the sailors needed tall straight trees to make masts from, so this variety was introduced to the area.  The pines are perfect for masts!

FYI- "The beginning of this hike is in a cook pine forest. Cook pines (Araucaria columnaris) come from the Cook Islands. The name is misleading, as they are not pines at all but in the family Araucariaceae, a genus of 18 or 19 species found from New Guinea to New Zealand and Brazil to Chile. Interestingly it's one of the few plants only natively found in the southern hemisphere." (

I love the cool nubs left on the trees from the branches that have dropped.

I thought these "pine cones" were really cool.

Good Eats

Uncle Joe and Aunty Kathy were so generous to invite us to dinner at Kam-Bowl.  This is where you go to get good local Hawaiian food, with a diner-style ambiance. 
I got the Teri-beef plate, best Teri beef I've ever had.  I tried Uncle Joe's Oxtail soup and loved it.  It has a rich broth somewhat reminiscent of pho.  Amara liked her gyoza ramen. I can't remember what everyone else got, but I know that if I go back to Hawaii, I want to go eat here again. ;)

For dessert. we split up and got ice cream treats.  The boys went to SomiSomi.  Joe recommended their ice cream because it is really good and creamy.  They also serve it with a cute fishtail-shaped cone on top.

Lily found a shop just for her.

The girls went to Sweet Creams to get rolled ice cream. YUM!

My rolled ice cream was a hot cocoa base, biscoff cookie and Nutella mixed in, with a pocky stick and roasted marshmallow on top.  Very good!

Waiting for our crew outside of Sam's Club/Walmart.  Lily making an important phone call.  She was attempting to find a date for when she returned home.

Fancy Local Fruits

On our bucket list was to try fresh guava.  We got lucky and Joe found us one last guava (it was the end of the guava season).  We loved the color of it.  The seeds were not my favorite (a little big and annoying to chew).  Flavorwise, I liked it.  Amara thought it was somewhat bland.  Then my brother introduced me to his guava jelly he made, and I've decided that's really how I like guava.  No seeds, just a nice sweet tropical flavor.  I had that on toast for breakfast almost every morning.

Joe also introduced us to a Hawaiian papaya.  I've had papaya before and didn't like it, but these were different and WAY better!  I really liked Hawaiian papaya.  It's almost like mango, nice and sweet.
Hawaiian papaya


Joe's Hawaiian Oranges are almost in season.


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