Saturday, November 26, 2022

Hawaii! Beach Day

What a nice surprise to wake up to a box of Leonards Malasadas!
  Thank you Missy for hitting up the shop in the early morning on your way home from work.  So fresh and fabulous! You're the best!
My first choice is the delicious coconut-filling.

We had a few minutes in the morning which seemed like a good time to take an exploration walk over to the nearby Chinese cemetery.  On the walk over I snapped some pics of the gorgeous tropical plantlife.  

The Chinese cemetery was so unique, unlike the cemeteries I've been to.  It's built at the top of a hill and was beautifully landscaped.

Look how cool the plot looks with the box-like grass trimmed to perfection.

The view from the hill top is really pretty.  The picture doesn't do it justice.

On our way home

One of my favorite pictures I took of the Chinese cemetery.  There was a fine, beautiful mist that began to gently sweep across as we were leaving.

Another favorite view.  The symmetry.  The organization.  It makes for such a peaceful sight.

That mist over the cemetery created a gorgeous rainbow behind us as we walked home.

Steve is admiring the tree that looks like it has mini-trees growing on it.

Malia's Swim Meet

We were blessed that Malia had a swim meet scheduled while we were there.  I've always wanted to see her in her element.  We packed in a few snacks and went to watch Malia.
Ok.  These.  JJ introduced me to Turtle Chips, we bought them at Costco.  And Oh MY!
 I could definitely lose control eating those.  So Good!  They're Korean (like so many good foods).
Go Malia!  She's in lane 3.  What a great swimmer!

Beach Time!

We went to Sherwoods Beach where we could play in some waves.  There were LOTSA waves!

We had a great time.  I enjoyed watching from the shore with Missy.  Everyone else definitely got pushed around by some good heavy waves.  They all looked like they were having a blast.  Yay for checking off "Go to the beach" from our bucket list!

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