Monday, August 22, 2011

Get back here Summer! I'm not done with you yet!

To say this summer has been busy would be an understatement.  School is starting up again this week and no, we did not get a yard put in this year.  Not even close.  And it's not going to happen this year either- thanks to our new member of the family, the 2007 white Dodge Caravan.  That reminds me, we need to give that beauty a car wash and thorough vacuuming.

Well, I believe we spent more time (and money) away from home than actually at home this summer.  I love having summers off and the flexibility it gives our family!   This summer gave us so much~ our belated anniversary getaway to Salt Lake, multiple baby showers, multiple baby blessings, multi-city traveling, family reunions, a week of pioneer trek, a funeral, car issues, a new used vehicle, my sister's newborn, birthday celebrations, holiday celebrations, a little garden, road construction everywhere, and seemingly endless dining out and probably a few extra inches around my waistline.

It's been crazy-busy and so enjoyable.  I didn't document everything, but I did download my camera and compile some of this summer's doings in the following smilebox photo book for your enjoyment:

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1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! You actually got such incredible pictures to go with that incredible awesome post!! I would've at least written a book :/ about my summer. Seems I lived a lot of this summer with you and yet, you somehow disappeared off the face of the earth, when I blinked my eyes. This made me smile the whole time :)))
