Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Couple of Kind Kids

Children are a blessing! I've always felt that I have GREAT kids. A few mornings ago we were rushing to get out the door and get to school and I hadn't seen the girls for awhile so I went to check on them and there was Lily combing through Amara's hair. "Amara just finished my hair, and now I'm helping her" was Lily's response. It was cute, Amara patiently standing on the toilet and Lily standing on the step stool. I think we were a little late getting to school, but my heart was warmed that morning.

Then, this morning as I was just waking up, Lily and Amara brought Steve and I breakfast in bed- toast, yogurt, water and a cough drop with a freshly colored picture on the side. What a sweet act of love!


  1. You do have GREAT kids! We miss you guys!

  2. This is a heartwarming post! Truly I have great and wonderful gwandbabies!! I love that you got pics of these precious moments, too. I got to be a part of it through pics and it feels sooo wonderful, too! Thanks so much for that! p.s. Combing hair with a comb.. now that is pretty brave stuff. ahaha! The food had the perfect touch with cough drops. ahaha again! The pictures they draw are like kisses from their hearts.... :) :) NICE Touch girls!

  3. Awww... they really are such good, sweet kids. Wish we could see you guys all the time!
